Chapter 1

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            My story is complicated, and nobody believes me about a word I say, but it's my life and not theirs. My secret is safely hidden with my two best friends (their names shall be kept a secret, as it would defeat the whole purpose of my whole secret identity) and I will entrust it with you too. Although I'm not supposed to share my secret identity and brainwash everyone that knows about it, there might be a slight possibility that you might have to be brainwashed too after you read this, but also there might be an acceptation as to saving my identity.

What is my identity you might ask? Well, I might be a regular civilian walking the streets, or a cute young girl sucking on a lollipop, or a rowdy teenage girl looking for trouble. But my real identity started when I turned the age of fourteen.

It was a normal day at the Agency, the regular routine of waking up to roll call, at 6:00 in the morning and stumbling out of bed into our lines. I sleep in the 10-14 year old girl dorms with five other girls around the ages of 11 and 14.

I stifled a yawn and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as five of the other girls in my dorm front flipped or barrel rolled out of their beds and into the line. We stood at the ready position, crouching low to the floor, our senses fully aware of any possible movement. The only sound was our breathing, still heavy from the early morning.

We all turned to face the wall, as a scuffling sound, barely audible could be heard outside. Suddenly, Agent Slider, our personal instructor, mentor and guard burst through the nearby window, scattering shards of glass everywhere. She rolled across the floor, and then crouched on the balls of her feet and looked around at us.

We made a grab for her, but she tripped us all with a swipe of her leg, and ridiculed us as we tried to hold her down, using all of our strength we had. She fought us off easily and smirked, getting to her feet. We all stood with our hands behind our backs, as a sign of respect, panting slightly, a defeated expression on our faces.

Agent Slider was one of the harsher Agents at the Agency, but her sweet commanding voice, soft hazel eyes and model-like smile covered up for it. Her hair was a beautiful blonde, always tied into a high pony tail, and she wore square glasses that could change from normal glasses, to dark sunglasses with just the press of a button on the side of them.

She wore the usual apparel of the older Agents: dark jeans with the black training jacket on top with the silver initial of the Agent name on the back and sneakers or boots. Her high heeled boots made her taller than she really was, and she dug the heels in the ground to stable herself from falling. She pulled out her mini clipboard and went from one girl to the next down the line.


"Here" replied the small 11 year old.


"Here" she said straightening herself.

"Bella. Happy birthday." Agent Slider said, smiling and pulling a pink frosted cupcake with a ripe chocolate strawberry on top from her jacket.

"Here's my present. I might've smashed it on the way here, but it will still taste the same." she said placing the cupcake into Bella's hand.

"Here and thank you Agent Slider" replied Bella, smiling plucking the strawberry from the top and popping it into her mouth. Agent Slider continued down the line.


"Here" she said groggily.


"I'm here" she answered bluntly.

"And Sammy"

"Here" I replied. Agent Slider nodded in approval and started pacing up and down our line.

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