Chapter 8 and 9

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I stepped out of the elevator, and a familiar sense washed over me. It was almost exactly like the Razi Base in Florida, where I was originally from, but a few things were switched around, like that fact that it seemed much bigger and more agents were in the facility than my home base. I looked around the building in surprise, still trying to take in that I was at a different Base.

Agent River beckoned me to follow him, and I felt like I had glued to the spot, but I forced my legs to move. We walked up the stairs to where Agent Slider's office would be, but it lead to the head leader of the Base, Commander Stone. There were Commanders for every Razi Base, but Master Scorpion was the ruler of all of them.

Agent River knocked on the door lightly, knocking with a certain rhythm. One knock, two raps, one knock, two raps.

"Come in." a deep, gruff voice answered.

Agent River opened the door and held it open for me. I walked in, and held my breath.

Sitting in the chair behind the desk was a man in his mid-thirties, his dark brown hair combed neatly back, and he had the same suit coat as Master Scorpion. He had dark brown eyes that showed bleakness and strictness, and a pale, sickly face that was long and thin. He looked up from writing something on a piece of paper and set his pen down and looked at me.

"Commander Stone. The new agent." Agent River said, smashing his fists together across his chest, and bowed low.

Commander Stone nodded curtly to Agent River and stared at me. I shifted uncomfortably and looked at Agent River, who stared at Commander Stone. Commander Stone took out a folded piece of paper and looked at it and kept glancing at me every few seconds. Finally, he put it down.

"What's your name, girl?" Commander Stone asked taking a piece of paper from a pile of papers on his desk and getting out his pen again.

"What? Oh, my Agent name is-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Not your Agent name, your real name." he said annoyed, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, um, it's Sammy." I replied, my cheeks going red.

"You will address me as, sir. Let's try this again. What is your name, girl?"

"Sammy, sir."

"Very good. Last name?"

"Henderson, sir."

"Do you have any belongings?"

"No sir, it got left in the limo in the tunnel."

"We'll have guards search it then. What Razi Base did you come from?"

"The Florida Razi Base, sir."

"Who was your instructor?"

"Agent Slider, sir."

"Who were the colleagues that you worked with?"

"Alice, Chloe, Olivia, Anna and Bella, sir."

"What is your Agent name?"

"Agent Rift, sir."

"What was your final mission?"

"Going to the island of Suva and shutting off the Ryu's main power source, sir."

"Very well. That's all for the questions. We needed to ask you them for safety reasons. It would've been likely that a Ryu could have impersonated you and brought you here right now, but I don't think that is likely. Thank you for answering the questions. Agent River." He said looking at him.

"Yes Commander?"

Commander Stone gave a solemn nod and he sighed. "It's time."

I spun around and faced Agent River who had a painful look of guilt in his eyes.

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