Chapter 5

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So you see that these past couple days have been pretty hectic and my life has been in danger several times and today just happens to be my birthday. The Ryu have been trying to track us down from the beginning since we shut off their main power source up until now and they've given us quite a rough time.

But hey if it's to become a Razi Agent, running blindly through enemy territory without a clue of what the land is like, trying not to get myself killed and return safe and sound back to base without getting my friend killed too, then I'm down.

You'd think that the Razi Agency would give us a more reasonable mission in order to become an Agent like searching for a certain plant or animal on a dangerous land terrain, but no, they just had to pick the most terrifying, most difficult, and the most life threatening mission of all. Harsh right?

The helicopter landed gracefully on the ground 10 feet away from us and men in black suits got out and started making their way towards us.

"Hey wait! Stop you two!" they called out, but I kept running at top speed, while looking back at them the entire time. Worst mistake ever.

"Sammy, watch out for-" Bella warned, but it was too late.

I smashed into the tree with full force and black spots began dancing before my eyes. Bella fell cumbersomely off my back and stumbled to the ground. I heard a loud snap, and it felt like it was my head splitting in two, but I was still alive.

My head was spinning wildly, and I forced my eyes to stay open by blinking continuously, but the dizziness was too overwhelming and I collapsed to the ground. Bella was screaming my name, but the blackness took over and soon everything was black.

"You think she'll wake up today?" a voice whispered eagerly.

"Yeah, sometime soon. That was a nasty collision with that tree." Another said wittily.

"Poor tree." the first voice whispered solemnly.

"It got a huge blood stain on the front, and it snapped completely in half, but it will live." The other said amusingly.

I opened my eyes slowly and found myself in a white hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around my head. Two men in green doctor uniforms were talking in hushed voices at the edge of my bed with their blue masks hanging around their necks and their blue blood stained gloves were in their hands. One of them was missing an eye, but had an eye patch around his head, and the other was favoring his right leg than his left.

I looked over at the bed next to me and saw Bella fast asleep under the covers, breathing deeply. I looked around the rest of the room, four beds on each side, but only Bella and I were the only ones in two of them.

The room looked like an average hospital room and it had two doors on the sides of the room where the beds weren't. The doctor that was favoring his right leg turned and saw me looking around.

"Oh, you're finally awake." He said cheerfully.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the Razi Hospital in California."

"But-but-how did I get here?" I stammered.

"Our most trained and experienced Agents came and found you because our technicians found out that none of you had your backpacks with you, besides Bella that is, and the Ryu somehow managed to control our computer systems." He said looking at Bella, whose shoulders were rising and falling steadily.

"Furthermore, we tracked Bella, hoping we would find you and Anna, and lucky for us, we did. But we couldn't locate Anna anywhere. The Agents are now searching for her right now as we speak. And unfortunately, the Ryu somehow managed to gain control over our computer systems and steal some of our valuable data, but our computer technicians shut off the computer systems before they could steal anything else." He finished.

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