Chapter 6

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Bella gasped, and I stared at the figure that strolled through the doors. His nicely shined black shoes clicked on the ground as he made his way towards my bed. He was wearing black pants with a neatly ironed tuxedo on top, with a golden 'S' shaped like a scorpion on his back, and a carefully pressed white button up collared shirt tucked in neatly. His golden tie remained stiff and still against his chest, which he puffed out in pride, and he had his hands behind his back.

His face was fixed with a grim expression, and his eyebrows were furrowed into a frown, creating a crease on his forehead. His eyes were a chocolate brown, that were calm and relaxed, and his hair was a dark brown, combed neatly to the front of his head, but it was too long, causing it to swoop upwards.

Horus and Bone smashed their fists together across their chests, bowed low and addressed him as, "Master Scorpion" in respectful voices. He nodded back to them and they slowly straightened themselves again.

I stared at the man called "Master Scorpion", concern washing over me. Was I in trouble? Am I really not an Agent? Was my Agent Ceremony a mistake? Questions swarmed through my mind rapidly and I tried to keep a straight face.

Master Scorpion walked over to my bedside and took a seat on one of the chairs already pulled up close to my bed, rested his arms on the chair arms, gripping the edges tightly and stared at me solemnly for what seemed like forever. I bit my lip and raised my eyebrow.

He cleared his throat and started; his voice deep and clear.

"Good afternoon Agent Rift. I'm glad to see that you are awake. Now let me introduce myself. I am Scorpion, head and director of the Razi Agency. Recently during your final mission, the Ryu have successfully accessed our technology devices that we granted to you when you started.

"This affected our computer systems all over the country at different Razi Bases, and we finally managed to disconnect their contact with our computers. But unfortunately, they gained access of our important files on our new Agents, namely you and Agent Bullet, and have been trying to track you down because the new Agents are vulnerable to giving information when they're tormented enough to the point when they can't tolerate it anymore.

"Although there are only a few parties searching for you, we need to keep a watchful eye over you at all times.

"But regrettably we must send you into hiding as a normal citizen, just until their search parties have ceased completely. Then, and only after that has happened you may return to the Razi Agency.

"You will be known by your original name before you received your Agent name: Sammy Henderson. You will live the life of a normal teenager, go to school and learn until the day when you are finished being hunted by the enemy.

"I'm very sorry to do this to you and I'm very disappointed to send you away to live a normal life, especially after you have received your Agent name, but if you have a set mind, and a determined and strong heart, you will accomplish this mission faster than if you don't. Trust me on this. It's for your own good and it will protect you from the Ryu." He finished, staring into my eyes pleadingly.

I sat and thought for a minute. "Where will I go to live the ordinary life of a teenager?"

"You will be sent on a plane to Salt Lake City, Utah to the Razi Agency there. You will attend Saltwater High School as a 9th grader and will be driven to and from school.

"I have already informed the Agency there about your arrival and they have planned preparations for you. You leave in two days. The sooner the better." He finished and stood from the chair, his hands falling effortlessly behind him. He held his chin high and started walking towards the door.

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