3. The Minister's Office

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I am on a roll. I wrote this chapter yesterday itself. I sat and edited it today. So here it goes. Also, this chapter is twice as long! Review and share :)



The Ministry was buzzing with activity. The Floo network was busy with the employees rushing into work. Hermione quickly made her way to the Minister's office.

No one dare stop her and ask her for an ID, but she was Hermione, she insisted on being checked as thoroughly. What if she was just a Polyjuice version after all?

At ten, she was knocking on the door marked 'Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minister of Magic'.

"Ah! Hermione, have a seat, I am sorry, but the meeting will have to be delayed. An expert that needed to be called in for the meeting hasn't been contacted yet. A new secretary, you see. No one is as efficient as good old Brie was." The Minister smiled.

Brie was the secretary to the Minister for years, probably centuries. She looked that old. She had passed away because of a fall she had from chasing a pair of nifflers around her house. Merlin bless her soul.

The room was far more comfortable in ambience than it had been with the previous Ministers. It looked like it belonged to a man far more approachable than its previous inhabitants. A fact that stood true not just for the Minister himself but the Ministry as well. The Ministry post war had become more open about its operations and was more willing to take advice from the public.

Hermione made herself comfortable in one of the plush armchairs facing the Minister's desk. She looked around the office as the Minister discussed something with his secretaries in hushed urgent tones. He had owled her a week back to set up an urgent meeting regarding some unusual disturbances. She just knew that some expert was to join them for the meeting. As of now, she could see no one else in the room.

Draco Malfoy was the kind who turned into a irritated child if his daily routine was disturbed. He thrived on the stability of his routine. So, when in the morning his secretary came into his office to announce that the Minister had summoned him urgently, he became irritated. He knew it must have been important, but to be called in without any prior notice wasn't Malfoy's style.

At fifteen minutes past ten, he was rapping sharply on the Minister's door. He tried his best to look and behave less irritable than he felt, but up till now, he had failed in his efforts.

As soon as the door opened, he noticed the Minister talking to his secretaries. He looked a little angry with them. Next his gaze followed the mop of caramel curls on the brunette's head.

"Malfoy?" Hermione's eyebrows shot up as her lips curved into a smile of recognition. Draco walked up to her and gave her his signature smirk and a firm handshake as he settled down in an armchair that mirrored hers.

The Minister joined them a few minutes later as his secretaries left in a rush with crestfallen faces.

"You sure were angry with them?" Hermione enquired.

"They forgot to owl Mister Malfoy the day I asked them to. I am sure it has caused him a lot of inconvenience to be here today on such a short notice for which I apologise." Shacklebolt said as he settled down in his chair.

He pushed a folder with 'Classified' stamped over it towards the duo, across the table. They both looked at him and then each other with a quizzical look. Each looked as clueless as the other.

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