15. Excursions

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"I am afraid we would need to go find some herbs for a possible potion that I can make. And we were wondering if we could have a look at books on the following subjects if you or any other person you know might have access to these?" Malfoy said handing out a list of books to Hector Fawley.

Hermione was currently pretending to make notes off books from the Fawley library. It had a fair amount of books, but it paled in comparison to the Malfoy Library or her favourite, the library at Hogwarts. She was honestly just rereading about things she already knew off or was trying to pick on some new knowledge. There was nothing in these books that could heal a diabetic. They had rather outrageous notions that diabetes meant that the sugar content in a person's body was going down so the person must be fed more starch and sugar, instead! They were killing people based on assumptions!

"Well, I am afraid that our library does not have these books, but I will send a word out to the Ministry and the other Aristocrats. They might have a few in their library."

The Lord Fawley then went away to write the necessary owls.

"What books Draco?" 

"I wrote down a list of potions books that are there either with the Ministry or with us Malfoys. A few stray copies might be with a few other pureblood families, but all of them are there in the Malfoy Manor. And Malfoys don't lend books, but they do let you come have a look at them in their library." He had a glint in his eye and a devious smirk plastered on his face.

Hermione got up from the chaise that she was sitting on and stood in front of him now. Her smirk matched his. "So this is your ploy to get access to the Manor? Isn't it? How absolutely brilliant"

"Shhh...Lady Malfoy or someone would hear you." He smiled and moved towards his potions notes.

Him calling her that sent a shiver down her spine every time. She turned back to her own notes and started browsing through.

A few days passed unceremoniously with Hector Fawley managing to get the Ministry to owl a few books to them. All of which Draco was quick to dismiss the next day as they arrived, claiming that they did not hold any detailed information.

Hermione had wondered what if all the books had copies at the Ministry. Draco had quickly told her that there were a few books with the only known copy in the Malfoys' possession since centuries. 

A week later, Lady Fawley was feeling much better and had started going for her daily walks in the gardens. She was rather fond of tending to her rose bushes which constantly reminded Draco of his Mother who loved to do the same.

One day, while in the chambers of the Fawley Matriarch, Hermione sat, simply reading some stories to the old lady. They both had a passion for reading, but with old age and a foggy vision, it was a strain for Nigella Fawley to read anything on her own. Hermione found it as a wonderful opportunity to do some reading for herself while fulfilling some wishes for the elderly dame.

She had just finished reading from the book, when suddenly the usually stern matriarch asked, "You are happy right? With your marriage that is?"

Hermione was taken aback. They had discussed many things, but anything domestic or personal was never touched upon. "Well, yes. I suppose. I am happy with dear Draco." She hoped she sounded convincing enough.

"You look happy, don't worry. Don't mind what I am going to say, but I think you don't give the young man enough credit dear girl. Take this from an old woman who has seen enough."

"I am sorry but I am actually confused as to what are you referring to."

"Well, he clearly takes care of you. I have seen it myself. He keeps an eye on you, a protective eye, not the jealous suspicious kind, when other men are around especially at the dinners we host. He often asks about your health and well-being to my nurse, if you have happened to say anything about being uncomfortable. He is extremely fond of you, in fact, he is smitten by you. That is quite obvious. And so are you, but you don't show it enough to him I suspect. Do you?" She gave Hermione a knowing smile.

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