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Soulmates are Stupid: chapter 5

Dan woke up again at 7:48. He could still hear Phil talking to him, even hours later.

Why were you talking even though I was asleep? Dan asked.

I wanted to make sure you didn't have bad dreams. Phil responded.

You're too kind.

Dan got out of his bed with the old brown sheets that he had before the black, white and gray ones before University.

His legs fell asleep, and Dan fell all the way to the living room.

Adrian started laughing when Dan told this story at breakfast.

"You idiot!" he said in between laughs. "This is why you wait a couple of moments before coming downstairs?"

"I don't know!" Dan responded. "My mind was numb after talking to my soulmate!"

Adrian shut up at the mention of a soulmate. Dan sighed.

"Mum," Dan asked. "What are we doing in two days?"

"Well, Dan," Linda Howell said, "two days from now is Christmas so we're doing Christmas-y things."

Dan nodded. "Thanks, Mum."

Dan looked off into space (not literally, of course) and he imagined Phil in Manchester.

Manchester was unbelievably colder around Christmas this year than normally. Or maybe just to Phil because of being at University for the majority of year. When Phil got off the plane, he was hit with the sudden blast of cold air. Martyn was the only one to pick Phil up from the airport.

The older brother noticed Phil was shivering even thought he was wearing his 'Space Coat'. "You alright, Phil?"

"It's freezing, Martyn!" Phil exclaimed.

"No, it's not. It's -5 degrees (Celsius)!"

"Yeah. At University, it's much warmer!"

"Of course it is, you idiot!"

Phil laughed and shivered as more of the icy wind hit him in the face.

Dan laughed silently as he imagined Phil in his Space Coat. And at him shivering. Dan didn't really know where the dreams and imaginations came from. He didn't really know what was true or a product of his imagination.

Dan heard his family dog, Colin, run in the living room, barking. Colin had been at the Howell's neighbour's house.

"Hello, Colin!" Dan exclaimed, getting on the floor. The dog licked Dan's face and didn't leave him alone for the rest of breakfast. Dan laughed and pet the dog's head.

"Daniel, eat before your breakfast gets cold!" Linda scolded.

Dan rolled his eyes when Linda--or Gregory--weren't looking. Adrian noticed his older brother and started snickering.

Linda snapped her head towards her two sons. All of the males in the house, including Colin, were silent. Pleased with the outcome, Linda smiled.

"So, Dan," Linda said through the silence, "how's the adventure of becoming a lawyer?"

"It's okay, Mum," Dan said. He wasn't too pleased about the professors. Or how long he'd have to be trapped in the tiny dormitory room.

"Have you met your soulmate in person yet?" Gregory asked.

Both of the Howell sons flinched.

"I don't know, Dad," Dan lied. He had met his soulmate, multiple times, actually. "I might have, he really hasn't said his name, yet. I might have, though." That bit was true. Phil hadn't shared his identity, even though Dan knew. And Dan had been with Phil.

"I hope you find him, soon, Dan," both of adults replied.

The rest of breakfast was majorly Dan catching up on things whilst he was away: Linda's depression had gone almost completely away; Gregory getting a promotion at his work.

As soon as it started, breakfast was over and the Howell household disbanded. Dan went to his bedroom, Adrian went to his friend's house, Gregory and Linda remained downstairs to prepare for Christmas.

How has your morning been? Phil asked.

It was okay. My parents keep asking about you. All I told them was what you told me. Dan replied.

Dan imagined Phil nodding. Yeah.

So what are you doing right now?

Finishing up brunch, you?

Up in my bedroom listening to you.

I'm pretty fabulous, aren't I?

Sure, you are.

Dan didn't hear a response back from his soulmate in Manchester.

I know right?

Dan smiled and unpacked his bag from the jaunt that he was on.

Dan put his computer on the small desk that was next to the old television.

Entering YouTube, Dan noticed a familiar face on the home page. AmazingPhil looked just like Dan's soulmate. In fact, that was the Phil that was his soulmate.

Dan clicked on the new video and it was titled, I found my Soulmate.

A/N OMG 200 (!) reads! Literally 4 chapters--now 5--has two hundred views. I never thought I'd get past like 20. Also, I've been binge-watching Heaven by Troye Sivan and my brain keeps telling me that the random guy that Troye kisses is Tyler (cause of my Troyler shipping). AND apparently Donald Trump took off all LGBT+, health care and something else mentions off the website? I'm am not LGBT+ but I completely support it is so wrong to take it off after working so hard for it. No offense to supporters but he's not gonna be a good president. (could I get arrested for this because he technically became president yesterday? probably not)

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