I Hate Lifts

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Melody's POV

       When we got to the studio we got in the life and just as the doors were about to close we heard five boys yell "HOLD THE DOOR!" We did as the voices said because we hate it when we yell it and nobody listens.

       "Thanks" Is all one of them said. we both replied in sync "No problem" this caused us to burs out laughing.

       We were all headed to the top of the building which was about 64 floors up. I hated getting the life as I was very claustrophobic, this is why when the lift came to a sudden stop and the lights went out I started to have a panic attack. I slid down the side of the life so I could hug my knees to try and pull my self together.

       "Is she OK?" one of the guys asked Katie clearly worried about me. Katie looked down and I simply nodded my head to say I was and  she said with a smile "Yeah she's just really claustrophobic, she'll be okay in a few minutes. Oh and I'm Katie, if you were wondering."

       "And I'm Melody her very freaked out twin." I said with a smile trying to make a joke out of it as that's just how I roll. This earned me a laugh from all of the as I slowly stood up again as that joke managed to bring my spirits back and stop the attack.

       They hadn't told us their names and I found that kind of rude so I decided to ask as I could see Katie didn't like it either and if I didn't ask she would, and she wouldn't be too kind about it. "So... do we get to know your names or are you going to remain the mystery guys we were trapped in a life with?"

       "Sorry I'm Harry." "Liam." "Zayn" "Niall" "LOUIS" I laughed at the last one but i couldn't help but think I've heard of them before, and by the looks of Kate she had to.

       Then all of a sudden something clicked in Kate "Wait aren't you in that band umm.. no direction?" this made me laugh because it's what we called them but I knew I had to say something as Niall looked a bid sad when she said that.

       "Kate it's ONE direction you nit wit. Sorry as you may have guessed we not really fans, we're more galaxy defenders than directioners" as I said this I lightly slapped her on the back of the head which made her pout and the boys laugh.

       "Yeah we are."  Liam said with a smile and then all of a sudden Niall jumped up like something had just bit him.

       "OMG your the Cooper sisters on YouTube aren't you?" When he said this me and Kate looked at each other shocked that he knew who we were and the other boys just looked at him like he was insane.

       "Yep that's us." we said at the same time making us laugh again. I knew I had to ask how he knew who we were because Katie looked like she wanted to know to. "But how do you know that, I mean we're not famous or anything."

       When I said this he was completely shocked while the others still looked confused. "What are you on about you have like 11 million subscribers!" when he said this the others mouths dropped like it was the most shocking thing they had ever heard.

       "Why would that many people subscribe to a make-up channel?" Harry asked this made us furious because we hated it when people thought we were did that just because we were girls. This lead us to shout at the same time.

       "WE DO NOT MAKE MAKE-UP VIDEOS!!" When we said this Niall laughed a little while Harry stood there shocked. It looked like the others were trying not to laugh. I decided to tell him what videos we do make just so he knew. "We make gaming videos, daily vlogs, drawing tutorials, sketches and  I do a few singing videos but only when I can't come up with any good pranks to pull on people or bought way too many books for my own good."  Kate decided to add with a cheeky smile on her face "I mean do you see any make-up on our faces, because if you do then you need your eyes cheched out!2 Thi made me giggle a little.

       When they heard this they were all shocked while we just stood there proud of what we do. Then I remembered that Alex would be wondering where we were so I pulled out my phone, thanked God I had signal, and then I called him.


Alex : Hello.

Me: Hey Alex.

Alex :  Where the hell are you two?

Me: Nice to hear from you to Alex, and we're trapped in the life in the building. Please get help before I eat Kate!

Ale: Okay, help is on it's way and please try not to eat Kate!

Me: No promises.

"HEY" When she yelled this I could tell she was listening as well and this made all the boys including me and Alex.

Alex: Melody.. and bye see you on the other side.

Me: FINE... and bye.

       When I finished the call to Alex the all looked at me confused. "What did I do?" I asked really confused as to why they were starring at me like I has seven heads.

       "who was that and how do you have signal?" Niall asked his still had that weird look on his face and I have to say it was kinda annoying and creeping me out quite a bit.

       "That was our friend Alex. He's the reason we're here and also our saviour and I have no idea I'm not a phone genius I just do." I said with  smile and I was also glad that it got rid of the look on all of their faces.

        We were in there for another 10 minutes before I realised we hadn't vloged anything since we left the house. "Guys is it OK if we vlog for a bit as we kinda need to otherwise there's gonna be a massive gap in our vlog?" I asked really sweetly hoping that the will say yes.

       "Of course you can." As soon as Liam said this, relief washed over me and Kate and she got the camera out, pointed it at me and hit record.

       "So since we last filmed we've got to the studio but then sadly got trapped in a lift." I didn't mention the boys just in case they didn't want me to. It turned out they did as they all said in unison "And they also met One direction!"

When YouTubers Meet One Direction (Niall Horan Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora