What and Why?

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Melody's POV

       So it's been a week since we met the boys and we've been texting back and fourth a lot, well me and Niall have any way. I did text the others as well but I just clicked with Niall you know, although Louis is a close second! Today I got the normal wake up call by my lovely sis, but there was no camera in my face which means it's a Sunday. this also means A. I got to have a lie in and B. we have a YouNow broadcast to do. I love doing these as it means we actually get to talk to our subbies. I love making videos as well but we don't really conect with the subbies like we do in out live chats you know?

       The only thing that's been playing on my mind is that ever since the day we all got trapped in that lift and uploaded the vlog of said day was the fact that some on our subbies have started to hate us, I know that it doesn't effect Kate as she doesn't give two shits about what other people think. This is because she goes by the saying 'Leave a complaint in the complaint box but I don't check that shit.'  but I'm not as strong as her and it gets to me. It hasn't been that bad and Niall has been the only one I've talked to about it as he gets hate all the time apparently and undersatands what I'm going through. I really can't see why he gets hate though, but I guess that some people are just stupid and can't see how kind he is!

       After I got dressed, had something to eat, and went on my self help email that I made a while ago to help some of the subbies that are going through a tough time. I made the email because I was in that possition once and I feel like I can help since I've been there but also because I always want to hel as much as possile! I swear it's in my blood or something. It was time to do the live show with Kate.

       "KATE WE'RE LIVE SO MORE YOUR BUTT NOW!" I yelled through the apartment as about 30,000 people watched. After a loud crash and her screaming "SUGAR" I just couldn't help but laugh. When she came back in I couldn't help but say "Thank you for remembering that we're live and did you hit your toe on the corner of the stairs again?"

       "Hey, it's not funny it really hurt!" she said this with a pout and the puppy dog eyes and this made me laugh and say "I know I did it about 10 times yesterday." When I said this we both laughed.

       "So how is everyone today?" As soon as Kate said this the side bar went crazy with comments, but one caught my eye the most.

       "Kate, Holly H said 'God you two are so alike it's scary.'" as soon as we saw this we just looked at each other and then said "We know"

       We carried on talking to the subbies and answering their questions for about an hour and most of the comments were nice but some were about how I looked horrid and that I don't deserve to be sister with Katie and friends with 1D. I really don't know why they were picking on me when I've done nothing to them. The only thing that made me smile is that some of the other subbies saw the comments and how I looked a little down and then a full on comment war started which we had to stop. I did say thank you though as they cheered me up.

       When we ended the live show Katie asked if I was OK and I lied a bit and said I was because I didn't want to scare her as stuff like this has happened in the past and in the end I ended up in hospital, but it wasn't a complete lie as I was OK but I wasn't completely happy.

Niall's POV

       Today me and Louis decided to watch Melody and Katie's live show as the past week he has done nothing but watch their videos. I was watching it as I normally do if we weren't doing a show, but the main reason is because she told me she's getting a lot of hate all of a sudden and I want to make sure nothing bad happened.

       We had spent the 30 minutes laughing our heads off when Liam, Harry and Zayn came in to see what we were laughing about. When we showed them the laptop they decided to join us. All the way through I could see all the hate comments and how it was effecting Mel. the lads also saw it and Louis was hating it. "How could people say that about her!" I could tell he was angry but before anyone could calm him down we the comments went crazy. They were all about how the hates should shut up and leave. I was the only one out of the lads who knew about her past as Louis hasn't watched that video. They were all confused when they were saying things like 'Do you want Mel to relapse or something?'

       when things were getting crazy Mel said something that shocked us all. "Guys STOP please. this isn't helping your just feeding them. Think of it this way if you tell them to stop they are getting a reaction and that's all they want, so just try to ignore them and so will I. They probably have no idea what you mean by relapse as they will most likely be jealous directioners and if they aren't then you should be ashamed of yourselves! Any ways guys I think we should go so" she paused for a second and then continued with Katie "BYE SUBBIES AND TROLLS!"

       When they ended the live show and the person who was next in line, all the lads looked at me with a shocked look on their faces and as if they were the girls they said all at once "WHAT THE HELL DID SHE MEAN BY RELAPSE?!?" I knew at that point I had to show them the video, Mel was thinking of deleting as she didn't want any of the haters finding as it would be give them her weak point!

       I wasn't too sure about showing it to them but I had no idea how I would tell them, so it was my only option really. I just hopw Mel doesn't mind.

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