Video With The Parents

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The Video

        "Hey guys so me and my annoying sissy Kate here have a surprise for you!" Melody said this with a massive smile on her face.

        "OK so today we are finally giving you a video you've been asking for for years now." Kate said this with just as big a smile a Melody.

        They both looked at each other and laughed as they yelled "WE FINALLY HAVE OUR PARENTS HERE!!!!" A middle age man and woman came onto the screen, both laughing at the two idiots they called their daughters.

        "Please be nice to us." Their mum asked with a laughed. Melody and Kate just looked at each other with cheeky grins.

        "Where on earth did you get the idea we would be anything other than nice to you?" They both said in unison as they giggled a little.

        "You're our daughters, of cause we think you're up to no good." Their dad said with a cheeky grin on his face while Mel, Kate and their mum just laughed.

        "Well anyway, for this video we decided to ask this lovely lot" Kate says and then points at the camera gesturing to the people watching the video. "what they want to know about the people who brought us into the world." She finished with a smile.

        "Well actually I think what they really want to know is a load of embarrassing stuff about us." Mel interrupted with a giggle.

        "Yeah you probably have a point there, lets hope not a lot of that happens... We should have probably picked out some questions first shouldn't we" Kate said as she looked down at her phone/twitter feed with a little look of worry appearing on her face causing everyone else to laugh a little. 

       "OK so the first question these lovely lot want to know is... What is your earliest memory of the twins?" Mel asked looking at her parents with a smile.

       "It has to be the day that Mel had started teething and she bit her older brother on the back, you know he still has a scar to this day." Their mum said with a cheeky grin on her face.

       "OH GOD WHY DOES THAT HAVE TO BE THE EARLIEST ONE?!" Mel groans and lays back hiding behind Kate who was of course laughing her head off along with their mum and dad.

       "Ohhh how about when they were about a year and they started to walk and used each other for support?" Their dad pitched in causing Mel and Kate to chuckle a little.

       "Wait we actually did that, I thought that was just a stupid thing you would tell the neighbors?" Kate asked with a laugh.

       "No, you actually did it. I swear we caught it on camera, we'll have to find all the old tapes and watch them when the whole family's together." Their mum said making a mental note to make sure it happened. 

       "OK the next question is... What was your reaction to finding out we made videos YouTube?"  Kate asked with a  small smile. "Oh lord." Mel whispers only just audible to the mic.

       "I remember there was a yelling match between all four of us, their brother decided to hid away being the smart one." Their mum said with a small smile. "HEY" The twins said in unison.

       "Yeah, we had no idea what that meant, we thought they were being stupid to be honest, thought they were getting into something that would end up being bad and hurting them. In the end they just left us with their lap top and their latest video. Turns out they're kinda funny." Their dad said with a laugh causing Mel, who was was sat next to him, to hit him over the back of his head.

       The questions carried on going and going all of them having fun re living memories, like old camping trips where their dad was hunting for fools gold and had a bolder chase after him. Or the time he said he could put the tent up by himself and told everyone else to go do something else and by the time they all came back, about 4-5 hours later, he had only just finished putting the blooming thing up.  It was like they were just reliving the past and remembering good times, not like they wre making a video at all.

       "Right so I think that's enough chatter for now." Kate said with a laugh.

       "Yeah I think so too,. I hope you liked this video and it was everything you wanted it to be, sorry if it's not." Mel said with a giggle.

       "Yeah. Well we'll see you nest time with whatever video comes to mind, could be a daily vlog, could be a sketch, book haul, whatever. You'll just have to subscribe to find out." Mel said with a cheeky smile.

       "See ya." All for of them said in unison making them all laugh before the camera was cut off.


       Since they had gone on so many tangents and asked & answered loads of questions the girls knew they had a long night of editing ahead of them and as soon as their parents left that's what they did. Going over the footage, deciding what was worth keeping in the video and what wasn't. It took them a while to go throw the hours of footage but one sleepless night and a whole day of almost non stop editing lead them to finally finishing it to a standard they were happy with, even if it would be a 30 minute long video making it one of the longest videos ever to be put on their channel. 

       Because it was so long they even asked their twitter following if they would watch a half an hour video of them and their parents kind of answering their questions kinda going of on down memory lane. The response was a resounding yes which calmed the girls down a little but there was part of both of them thinking it was too long. But since the subscribers/twitter followers wanted it and said they would watched it they uploaded it anyway, hoping the feeling was just one of the ones to be ignored. Like the shiver you get down your spine like someone had just walked over your grave, you always just ignore that, well right after you have said something along the lines of "god, someone just walked over my grave". 

       The internet at their new place was a little touch and go, and it had been ever since they got it at their new place. Well come to think of it they have always used and internet that was touch and go, it's just something you get used to. You still wanna throw the damn box out a window every now and then when it cuts out, but you get a higher tolerance for it after a while. They decided to leave the internet be and hope it would upload nicely and not cut out near the ed like it did last time.

       They both sat down, ordered some pizza and sat and binge watched Bones while their internet worked away uploading a their new video.

A/N I'M SO FUCKING SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! I kept putting of uploading on this story and I had no idea it had been 2 FUCKING YEARS since the last update, and it wasn't even a chapter. So if anyone actually reads this I'm going to be shocked! :P 

So if anyone cares here's and update on me. I'm 18 and can legally drink here in the UK but all I care about is actually being able to vote and hopefully help stop us leave the EU as that shit scares me. I have a boyfriend which I never saw coming. I can actually go on long walks without being in a shit tonne of pain after like 10 minutes and my dog loves me for it. I dropped out of 6th form, year 13 which I think in the US is senior year I'm not too sure, because it was killing me and I needed out. I have become very nifty at knitting patch work blankets. I think that's about it for me, I'm not a very interesting person but hey ho what you gonna do aye. :P 

Anyway I am hoping to update more and keep it there, I have no idea how I'm gonna keep it going since I'm now 2 years behind but I guess in a sense that may make things easier for me in a way. 

Again anyway I hope you liked this and you haven't all given up on me. but I do have a question for you all that I would love to know the answer to. What have you lot been up to in the past 2 years? Tell me anything and everything I would really like to know! 

I have no idea if anyone has actually read this bit of the update but it's worth a try. SO hugs to any one who reads this and I hope you seeing an update for this didn't give you a heart attack. :P (>^.^)> <(^.^<)

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