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Melody's POV

       On our way to answer the door we walked past the wall of subbies I have made over the years. Before you all get confused, it's a wall covered in polaroid's I've taken with subbies either with just me or Kate. Each one has the persons name on it and the date it was taken, I started doing this doing this about a year ago because I wanted to record as many subbie that we have in real life because I know there are over 11 million subscribers which is soon going to turn into 12, but to me that just a number but when I see all of these photo I know that it is more than I could ever imagine.

       When we finially opened the door we were greeted by 5 boys screaming "HELLO" Then we were all of a sudden in a massive group hug. 

       "UM guys... need air." Was all I managed to breath out as I was squished in the middle of it all. 

       "Sorry Mel." Is what Niall said as he moved out the way and I made my way out of the little gap as it seemed as if he was the only one who managed to hear me 

       "How long do you think it will take them to notice?" I asked him in a whisper as we both looked at the group hug that in my opinion had been going on to long. 

       "I have no idea to be honest.with you." Niall said this with a smile that lit up his whole face. This gave me the idea to be my usual self, aka Sargent sarcastic. 

       "Wow you guys sure do now how to have a group hug and notice when two people leave it." When I said this I could almost fell the sarcasm drip of off my words. Niall was trying his hardest not to laugh but was failing. 

       "Well I'm glad to see that no matter what you will always be my Sargent sarcastic." Kate said this with a massive smile on her face while all the boys were laughing at us. This made me want to say something cheeky, and I did.

       "Well I will so long as you are always my caption obvious." I said this with a cheeky smile on my face. This lead to us all falling into a large laughing fit. I have a feeling it was one of the biggest I have ever been apart of as there was seven of us all laughing. There have probably been bigger ones but I don't think I was apart of them so they don't count.

       "So I don't want to sound rude but why are you boys here?" Kate asked this with so much curiosity but I could not sence any rudeness in her voice and  I also hope the boys didn't as I know she hates it when people think she is rude.

       " You invited us remember?" Harry said with a confused voice. This made me and Kate both face palm at the same time.

       "Well I always thought my memory was bad, but I didn't think it was that bad." I said with a shy smile on my face while the lads just burst out with laughter

       "Well then I think you need to think again then." Louis said with a cheeky grin. this made m giggle a little.

       When they had finished laughing they noticed the wall and went right over to have a proper look at it. Both Kate and I found it rather amusing to see them amazed by the amount of pictures that cover the wall. to be honest we didn't realise how many there was until we had to take them all of our bedroom walls when we moved.

      "Wow. That's a lot of pictures with fans." Liam said in amaze meant. he the looked at the bottom of them "They have names and dates on them." this made us smile.

       "You have no idea, it took us a day to take down and 2 to put back up when we moved because we had a meet and greet in between moves. And yeah they do, we get our fans to write down their name and the date we meat then on it." I said all this with a cheesy smile on my face.

When YouTubers Meet One Direction (Niall Horan Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora