Chapter 6: The whole story

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"Jayce, what happened to you?" I shrieked. I instantly blamed myself. If I had only insisted on driving him home last night that wouldn't have happened. Because he sure as hell didn't look like that when I last saw him.

"It's not a big deal, just a little misunderstanding and underestimating on the other guys' part." He threw a cocky smile at the girls but I saw something flash in his eyes before his expresion cleared.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you"

"You couldn't have known what would happen" Chris interrupted "It's a good thing you two weren't together otherwise you could have been hurt too."

"No, had I been there he would have only his nose bruised." I muttered.

"Yeah, that one's from her" Jayce admitted.

"What?" Jess screamed and I flinched.

"It was unintentionally." I tried to defend myself. Jayce smirked.

"I should have known better than to challenge the pro-"

"I accidentally hit him with the door" I interrupted. He threw me a questioning look but didn't elaborate. I kept my training a secret from my friends because just like Jayce they would want to come and see me there and that's a risk I won't take. I would never put them in danger. As for him it proved to be a mistake to take him even though he was a stranger.

"Oh" Jess breathed a sigh of relief. I turned to my food and let them continue their conversion but Jayce didn't say any more details which made me question whether he was lying. He seemed to be bragging about handling two men on his own just a second ago but cut his story short when I came. I wanted to know what happened.

"What did the men want?"

Jayce tensed.

"I don't know they were just two drunken idiots."

"Why would two men act violently without being provoked? Even if they're drunk. They must have wanted something."

"I told you I don't know." He clenched his jaw. "They just came at me after I left you on my way home." I felt a pang of guilt.

"Did you go to the police?" Jessica was frightened by his story. And Jayce seemed to tense even more.

"Yeah, you should give their description to a sketch artist or something." Jason suggested.

"It was dark I didn't get a good look at them. Also I was a little busy." He tried to smirk but I could see it was forced. Anyway, it wasn't dark when I left him. He was lying but I didn't know why. It didn't escape my attention that he never answered the question. What are you hiding, Jayce? And most importantly, why?

"You're sure you didn't know them?" I questioned.

"Am I being interrogated?" Jayce said angrily.

"No, but your stor-" I stopped as he got up and left the table. Someone hit my arm.


"What is wrong with you?" Ana scowed. "The boy was just beaten up by some dudes and you're giving him a hard time about it."

"I just think his story doesn't add up."

"You're saying that he's lying? Chris asked. I nodded.


"I don't know"

"I think you should apologise." Jason nodded to that.

"Maybe" I realised I was a little too harsh but I still know he was lying, I just didn't know about what.

The bell rang and I gathered my things. I was going to see if I had any classes with Jayce and apologise if I had the chance.

The school day was over and I hadn't once seen Jayce. However someone else has. The twins were waiting for me at my car.

"Chloe, you haven't introduced us to your new friend." Clayton remarked. I decided to play dumb. I so hoped they wouldn't recognise him.


"The boy that's been hanging out with your group for the last few days." I circled around my car but Carl leant back at the driver's door blocking my escape. Their reaction to Jayce was weird even for them and that's why I was so keen on keeping them away from each other.

"Oh, he is new here and Chris invited him to sit with us, that's all."

"Is that so? Because we heard he was with you at training?" Carl rose his eyebrows. "We know it was him."

They didn't have to clarify who him was. I was both surprised and kind of relieved they knew.

"So then why are you asking me?"

"To see if you'll tell us."

"Guess I didn't pass your test."

"That's not some game, Chloe. You should stay away from him. "He spit the last word out.

"We are warning you to stay away from him." Clayton added.

"What? Are you serious? What is your problem with him? It was just one stupid kiss!" I was so angry. They were making a big deal of such small things it was so stupid.

"Our problem is that he is dangerous-"

"Do you mean the bruises? That wasn't his fault." Although I myself didn't quite believe that I felt the need to defend him.

"No, not only that. Just believe us when we say so."

"He is not someone we want you to hang out with."

"What are you talking about?" It sounds like.. "Wait a minute, do you know him from before?" Now I was really shook. Why didn't any of them mention that before?

"Something like that." With that Carl pushed off my car and they left me with more questions than before.

Author's note

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the story and happy new year everyone!

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