chapter 8

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Henrys p.o.v

Christmas is in 2 days and I'm really nervous when the criminals make the attack. ray and I have been planning out what we are going to do. I hope he doesn't notice that I'm hardly listening. I just have alot on my mind.

"so, what I was thinking we should do is first find out what time we......" ray stopped himself and glared at me.  he waved his hands infront of my face to get my attention.

I jumped when I first noticed the movement in front of my face. I finally snapped out of it. "you ok there? you kinda zoned out for a second." ray said.
   "I know, its just...I didn't get that much sleep last night, and I'm also nervous about the criminals." I said not making eye contact.
"yea me to, but how come you didn't get enough sleep?" he asked. "well, its just..."
I was interrupted by the alert going off.
"UHH, NOW WHAT?" I yelled in frustration. ray looked at me shocked at my last outburst. he turned back around and pressed the button.
"what's up gootch?" he asked.
"a criminal is near the swellview river, it seems that he's taking a women purse." he finished.
"thanks!" ray ended the call.
"lets blow and go!" I said popping the gum in my mouth. we head over to the tubes and we went off.

at the swellview river

once we got there, we saw two criminals with ski mask on who were pulling womens purses knocking them down. "hey!" I yelled making the dude turn around. I ran straight up to him. my head was almost 100% straight up because of his height. he was looking almost 100% down. I was trying to act all tough which was pretty hard when I'm standing next to him. he doesn't even have to try.

I wouldn't be surprised if ray is laughing in the back. I do look like a wimp. the women in the back put her head down like she surrenders. they don't believe I can do it. with no warning, I jumped on his back when he wasn't looking. I was being spon around, I was wondering why ray wasn't helping me out.
"captain man! a little help!" I asked out of breath. ray nodded and ran over to me. I was punching and kicking the criminal pretty hard. for some reason I couldn't stop myself. soon, his legs gave out, and he was on the floor, but that didn't stop me.

I kept punching him really hard. the lady was covering her mouth in shock and crinch every once in a while. ray was trying to pull me off but I refused. soon enough, he yanked my arm to pull me away.
"dang kid, do you think he had enough?" he asked me putting a hand on my shoulder.
"nope!" I said about to go back untill ray stopped me.
"dude its fine, we just have to call the cops now. also, well done!" ray said getting out his phone as he patted my back. I felt proud of myself. I almost forgot about the woman purse. I found it on the ground and handed it to the lady.
"omg! thank you so much kid danger!" she yelled as she gave me a hug and ran off. ray was still on the phone. I was just standing there waiting for him to be done. I then felt a blazing pain in my ankle! "I yelp in pain as I fell to the foor holding my ankle.

ray noticed and ran over to me trying to help me up but there was no use. we soon heard evil laughing behind us. we both turned our heads simultaneously. the criminal took off his mask, and it was doctor maniac. we both gasp.  I really did make him bleed though, ALOT!

"dang kid, you really took all your anger out on me!" he said holding his head In pain. even though I was in pain to, I still gave him a faint smirk. "now you got what you deserve! have fun stopping us now!" he laughed evily then walked away. I groaned in annoyance and anger. I tried my hardest to stand without rays help but my ankle burned in pain as I sat back on the ground.

"I can't believe he planned this!" I yelled in frustration. ray nodded realizing I was upset but remained quiet. after a while he tried to help me up again with ray for support. once I finally got my balance. I started to slowly limp home. I hope my ankle gets better. I am going to TAKE DOWN DR. MANIAC IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!

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