Trying to Get Amanda home...

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Chapter 13

Well when we left McDonalds Amanda was really jumpy and nervous. "What's wrong Amanda?" "Oh nothing nothing!" "Are you sure Amanda?" John asked. "Oh I'm positive don't worry!" "Okay Amanda if you say so..." I said. "Okay fine I'm a tad nervous to see Juliet after running away." She said. "John turn us left on Blanker road!" "Alrighty." "Anyway, Amanda don't worry she might understand." I told her. "Are you sure I mean she could've killed me." "Yeah key word 'could've'. Now did she? No she didn't okay." "But she might when I get back." She started to cry AGAIN. But she is an emotional girl so I understand.

We rode in silence not word came out of any of our mouths. All you could hear was the squeaking of the cart. Until it was night time and we switched off John was in the cart and we pushed but when Amanda got out she darted the other direction! I got pretty pissed off by that did she want to stay here? Homeless. Hungry. Cold. She could starve to death but I won't let her Im taking her home to her foster mom and if she won't go there I will let her live with my mom and I but we have to see if she'll agree. I chased after her but I bet she was gone by now and it was pitch black. But I was stupid enough to keep running and I ran all night the next thing I knew it was morning and when I stopped running I fell down a went to sleep. I pretty much forced myself to keep running I was so tired! But then I realized John wasn't behind me was he even running last night? Did he get hurt? I had to much pressure so I just slept.

In my dream it took me back to all of these moments like when we found her I noticed John didn't get exited like Amanda and I did. But when she got to John she did act like we did and she hasn't seen John in years. Wouldn't she be more exited to see him? And in the McDonalds I noticed I strange cut on his hand but he didn't get cut at all. But this part made me think about that other dream I had when Amanda said, "I'm going to kill myself." Or something like that I think but it was I little while ago. But did Amanda have a knife and try some thing like cutting her neck but John put his hand up to her neck to save her? I don't know but by the time it to the next part I woke up. Why did I have to wake up?!?! But then I realized it was like three probably so I ran again. But when I got like mile away I realized I didn't have any hope. So I just stood there crying .

A/N: sorry for not updating in a while but I will try getting another chapter up in a day or two so I can make up for not updating and please tell your friends to read!

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