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I wake up in the middle of the night and throw off the covers. I am covered in sweat, and my throat is sore from screaming. I quietly push open my bedroom door and slink down the hall. I just keep replaying the dreams over in my head, over and over again.

It starts with me running on the track getting ready for a hurdle. I jump over and now I'm in a dark alley. I hear footsteps behind me getting closer and closer. Suddenly I'm pinned to the ground and my back is aching from the fall.

A voice rings through my ears,

"Oh, what a wonderful night it is for a boat ride isn't it?" the silky voice says. I don't reply.

"Isn't it?" she says with a harsh tone. I feel chastised, as I did as a little girl. Before I get the opportunity to say something, she pulls me to my feet. In the dim streetlight I can vaguely make out her face. A wrinkled face, and thin lips stuck in a scowl. I am revolted by what I see next. I stumble back, scared. Eyes so black, it seems her eye sockets are almost. Empty.

"Do you not like me?"she says, starting to cry. She begins to weep, holding her face in her hands. She abruptly looks up. Her face is stained from the tears, stained crimson red.

"No one. No one doesn't like me. I guess this will be a bit more difficult." She leans closer into my face. I feel vomit forming in my throat. She starts to hum a song. She slowly begins to sing her lullaby.

When I wake up I am being lightly rocked. Not by the woman, but by waves. I sit up and see I am in a boat. A cloaked figure stands at the bow of the boat. Probably the woman from the alley. On impulse I say,

"Where are you taking me?" I don't recognize this body of water. But I see a lighthouse light in the distance.

"Wonderful. You are awake. Now I can complete my plan." suddenly she lurches her body from side to side. Then the boat tips. I attempt to swim to the surface but a force holds me down.

Now I'm sinking slowly to the bottom. But I know one thing. As soon as this ice water floods my lungs. I will die. I sink until I hit bottom. I look up through the water to the moon, for one final glance. Then I lose all feeling.

I am dead.

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