-(n.) lit. "sanctuary", an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, that reminds you that you are safe and loved, even in the darkest times.
I will rid my life of you so that
my life can finally start. You were
my sanctuary, my only place of shelter.
But, I am standing here all alone, trying
to come up with reasons as to why you did
this to me. I search the earth beside me,
trying to figure out when you stopped
listening when you had me disappear
into the silence. I must rid my life of the
place I truly feel at home, I must push away
the arms that taught me what peace truly
feels like. I must rid myself of you,
of every memory I have of us.
By Definition
Thơ caWhen I was going through insane writer's block, I went to a dictionary. I picked random words, and wrote a poem that represented what that word meant to me. I have kept this technique since. This is a book of my definition based poetry.