Chapter 4

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I drove to, Lover's Lane as fast as my car would let me, I put on my sirens too so that helped. I pulled up at the end of the street, and parked my car, blocking off the end of the street.

I ran over to the biggest house on the street. I remember hearing one of the people say it was like their "meeting house". I broke the door down and saw them all sitting together in the living room.

Garroth, groaned as I reached for my gun then realized I was very... underdressed in my hospital gown. I growled.

"Have any of you seen, Zane Ro'Meave?" I asked hurriedly?

"No, last time we saw him is when you brought him to the holding cell," Katelyn rolled here eyes.

"What happened to you?" Aaron asked.

"Fell out of a third story window, I'm fine." I replied. "Is anyone not here?"

"Well... I think... Damian and KC went to visit Aphmau's mom." Laurance mumbled.

"Where do they live?"

"Next door." Lucinda shrugged. I mentally face palmed, and ran over next door to check on them. I could smell it before I was even within ten feet of the house.

Blood. The smell I knew well.

I ran up, and broke the door down. I saw Aphmau's mom, and an adult male, passed out on the floor, blood coming from their arms. I checked their pulses. Alive.

I reached for my communicator, but gone. Just like everything else. I saw a phone lying on the floor about a foot away so I drove for it, my arm crying for me to stop. I felt a foot push down on my back, hard.

"Officer (Y/N)? What pleasure to see you," that sick voice laughed.



"That's Detective (Y/N) to you!" I snapped. I heard the click of the safety and the barrel placed on the back of my head. I bit my lip. "Can I ask a question before you kill me?"

"That depends."

"Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Kill her?"

"Aphmau? HAHA HAHA!!! The reason... I was never really... good like she thought she'd made me. You see there's only good, and bad in this world, and you can only be one of them. You never experience both in a life time... now does that answer your question?"

"Yes... but you see I'm not ready to die." I quickly snatched gun from his hand and shot his foot. He cried out in pain as I pushed him into the wall, pinning him down as he still tried to fight, weakly. I called 911.

"Hello, 911 what's your emergency?"

"It's Detective (Y/N)! I have a murder confessed to his crimes along with two injured civilians possible two others, the house is yet to be checked."

"Sending an ambulance to?"

"Lover's Lane! Hurry!" I hung up, and slammed Zane's head into the floor, knocking him out. I stood up, and found some rope. I tied him to a chair before exploring the rest of the house.

Upstairs and main level were clear which means they could be in the basement. I tried the door, locked. I kicked it down and continued down the stairs with the gun in hand. "Hello? Is anyone down here? It's Detective (Y/N)!"

"(Y/N)!" I heard a faint echo. I ran in the direction, jumping over a few boxes and found Damian and KC tied up in the corner. I immediately started to untie them.

We got upstairs and my arm was really starting to bug me to where the point I was holding onto it. I ran outside to see the ambulances loading in Aphmau's mom and the other man who I assumed was Katelyn's father by the way she was following.

I turned to see, Fallen running towards me, out of breath. "Nice job and everything... but maybe next time don't leave your partner stranded at a hospital to run," she laughed. I face palmed.

"I am so sorry!" I smiled.

"C'mon you should get on an ambulance too. They said they wanted to run a few more tests on your brain." I nodded absent mindedly, my eyes drifting off to catch, Aaron.

He ran over to me as I got on the ambulance. "Where are you going!?" He asked.

"I need to make sure my brain is okay before I'm legally allowed back onto the fields. I'm sure it'll be okay though!" I smiled, out of breath. They closed the door as to the ambulance. I was in the one with Katelyn, her dad and Aphmau's mom.

It was really quiet at first. "Are we okay now?" She asked, looking up.

"You should be. For a while we'd prefer you guys keep a low profile, don't travel anywhere too far."

"Sounds easy enough..." I noticed that her eyes were fixed on her dad. "Aphmau was probably going to end up being my sister." She frowned. I nodded.

"Uh, well we can bury her now that we caught! Zane."

"Why couldn't we bury her before?"

"We wanted to make sure my hypotheses was correct so the checked her lungs and what not for compressions." I nodded.

"Oh... you know a lot of us were surprised to see you at the station interrogating us," she smiled a little.


"Yeah well you disappeared for... almost eight years."

"I finally had enough money to move back. Plus I think this job works well. I can detect lying pretty easily."

"Like some kind of sixth sense?"

"Something like that," I smiled.

"Well, we're all happy to see you again... except Zane," she shook her head.

"Mostly everything will go back to normal now."

"It just won't be the same without Aph." She frowned.

"Look, I know we were friends in high school, but I'm not going to force you guys to hang out with me. It'll just feel like I'm replacing, Aphmau," I bit my lip.


"Because Aaron and I kissed."


***Merry Christmas!***

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