Keith x Reader (Sacrificed Life)

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Your POV:

Your purple lion circled around the Galra ship, keeping an eye out. Both you and Keith were supposed to check the perimeter, then sneak in.

You guys did as told. You helped Keith land his lion without being caught by the galra soldiers.

You guys got out of your lions and headed to where Pigde, Lance, and Hunk were. Both of you ran in unison. Keith held onto your hand, as if her were to let go, you would be taken away.


You guys arrived to where Pidge and the other two Paladins were. About several minutes in, you spotted a creepy looking caped figure. Its hood covered its head, so you couldn't see a clear shot of who was the hooded figure.

"Whatever is in those containers, that creepy looking ghost has something to do with them." Keith spoke up as he walked up next to you, catching the trio's attention.

"And whoever that is, they are definitely working for the Galra." You finished off.

You turned around, your long locks whipping aside along with you, "I have to get a closer look to see what is in those containers and what the hell it does."

"I'm going with you." Keith responded. You looked at him in disbelief, but nodded after a few seconds.

You both ran towards the  door when you heard Lance, "Don't you guys dare go through those doors! You guys will blow up our cover!"

You guys ignored him and ran off to your destination.


You and Keith hid in the corner, to spy what the hooded figure was doing. It took a yellow container and placed it ontop of a magnetc type of ball. It then started to use dark magic to transform the yellow liquid to a purple like color.

You were paying so much attention, you didn't notice that your own dark magic was damaging the walls. You quickly removed them. When you looked up, you saw that the hooded figure must've been called by one of the galra soldiers.

It walked off to where it was needed. You then heard Keith say, "I need to get some of that liquid and take it back to the ship so that we can further see what it can do."

Keith then ran off.

You gasped, "Keith! No! Come back!"

Your eyes widened when you say Keith grabbing one of the containers. Just as he was running back towards you, and black cloud popped up behind him, throwing him towards you.

Your back slammed onto the metalic wall, a dent was made at impact.

You groaned out in pain. Keith groaned as he held his head and stood up. He then started to run towards the figure once more.

Your sight was blurred, but started to wear off. You soon stood up and started to summon your magic.

Black smoke came out of your hands, it then turned into a jet black ball, filled with lightning.

You then saw the figure throw Keith across the room. That was the only thing you needed for your fury to unleash and send the dark ball flying towards the hooded figure.

Before it could react, it was thrown across the room.

"Pidge! Get Keith's lion down here quick!" You yelled through your purple helmet. You ran to tackle the figure before it could up.

"I'm on it! (Y/N), we will have his lion there immediately, let me inform the others!" Pigde answered.

You took out my sword and started to fight the figure.

You then heard a loud explosion from behind me.

"Keith! Get in! I'll be there, I'll buy you some time!" You shouted to Keith.

You saw him nod and run into his lion.

"(Y/N)! Hurry!" He yelled and he stretched out his arm for you.

And you started to run towards Keith, when you then felt a sharp pain go through you.

You could hear eveyone gasp. Everyone.






You were thrown against the wall. Your blood was splattered all over the wall.

You fell down to your knees and then you fell onto your back.

You were stabbed once more, before Shiro and Lance came to stop the figure.

They managed to scare it away.

You laid there, ears ringing, heart pounding, heavy breathing.

You could then hear your name being called.

"K..Keith..?" You managed out."(Y/N)! Stay with me!" Keith cried out.

"Go, Keith. Move on." You pulled Keith into a soft kiss before pushing him away with all you could.

Shiro caught him, and dragged him away.

Everyone gave you a last glance. All eyes were filled with tears.

You gave them your infamous peace sign, before dropping your hand and moving on to your next life.

Not before mouthing three last words to Keith,

'I love you.'

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