5.When he realized he liked you

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Harry- Harry's POV*
"Y/N was walking down to the mess hall after transfiguration class and got her exam from yesterday back, obviously she got an O." ( An A in Muggle grades.) " She was ranting about it to Hermione since she got a E, B in Muggle grades. I had never realized how beautiful and smart y/N is before."

Ron- Ron's POV*
"I was walking to meet Harry and Hermione at the third floor corridor, when I got there y/n was there talking to Harry. She noticed me turned around and introduced herself, later she and I were talking and she told me about how she came from Texas in America, and that is why she has an accent." He shifts due to nervousness," and that's when I realized that she was so easy to talk to, and she was my safe place. That's when I realized, I LOVE Y/N!"

Fred- Fred's POV*
"I was walking with George working on a prank for Snape, he said we shouldn't do it but I was telling him how awesome it would be to see the look on Snape's face. We weren't paying attention to where we were walking, George stopped and I didn't notice in time to stop before I ran into Y/N. I accidently made her drop her books and knocked off her glasses. She was beautiful, and smart, she used a lot of colorful language at first until I told her it was an accident, and by a lot I mean, A LOT! She was looking at my p ranking plans and said it was alright accept a few flaws. Then I realized, a prank master that can create better solutions to our wierd problems, I think I'm in love."

George- George's POV*
"When I was talking to Percy about getting Fred out of detention yet failing miserably someone bumped into me, I heard a voice say shyly, I'm sorry. I turned around to see Y/N's beautiful face. As I headed to Gryffindor common moments later after giving up on Percy I turned a corner and Y/N walked up to me with a plan of how to get Fred out of detention. After that I was amazed with her intelligence and willingness to help me and or Fred. That's when I realized that I like Y/N."

Draco- Draco's POV*
"I just got finished calling Granger a mud blood and Y/N came up to me with a lecture of how how it's wrong and crap, afterwords she said she was dared by her Hufflepuff sister to say that and said it was actually really hilarious. After that I realized she was the one for me.:

Cedric- Cedric's POV*
" I was walking next to Cho on our way to the Hogsmead field trip, Y/N got tripped by Draco who was right in front of us, I stopped to help her up, once she was up she thanked me and Cho interfered asking, don't you want to retaliate? Y/N said no, that he would end up doing something else to her, plus violence is not the answer, maybe for him but not me. Then I figured out that Cho isn't for me, Y/N is."

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