Werewolf! Reader x Young! Remus

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***Warning: says one cuss word...***

     Remus and you had met previously to boarding the Hogwarts train seeing as the both of you share something that Dumbledore felt you needed to know each other before school. This thing, you were both werewolf's, this is important because on nights of full moons and the nights surrounding it you both will need to separate from your peers to transform safely. Dumbledore felt knowing the person you will spending much time with before school would make it easier on the both you, also seeing as neither of you make friends easily. You two stuck together on the train, you even found four more friends in your train car, all first years as well. James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Lily Evans were all really nice to you two. You had formed a quick bond to each other already; Sirius was gonna be the playboy/flirt, James was gonna be Mr.Popular, Peter the quiet one, Lily the seemingly responsible one, and Remus and you were going to be the true responsible ones who always end up saving their asses.
    The lot of you were ecstatic when you were all sorted into Gryffindor together, the feast had been going in for about 45 minutes and most of the student had slowed down or stopped eating when Dumbledore approached you from behind, Remus across the table. "Would Mr.Lupin and Ms.(Y/L/N) please follow me?" When you moved your head to look at him he smiled at your odd position, you then glanced at Remus, next to a confused James and shrugged, acting as if you had no clue the matter he wished to discuss. The two of you collectively rose from the benches and followed Professor Dumbledore down the long and unknown hallways. When the three of you arrived at a bird like statue inside a nook you all watched the stairs appear. "Hop on!" Professor stated before disappearing with the stairs, the two of you glanced at each other before holding hands and stepping onto the moving staircase. When you arrived to the opening you found Dumbledore already sat behind his large desk, waiting for your two. "Please, sit. I would like to discuss you twos... Predicament." You both say down, not realizing you were still holding hands until you went to sit down, the two fo you awkwardly smiles and separated your hands. "So... The first full moon of the year will be in three week, just enough time for you two to settle in and get comfortable in your classes before your week leave. I assume your senses are already beginning to heighten slightly?" Remus nods but you speak up, " Actually professor. My senses usually don't start to heighten until a week before, but it doesn't happen slowly, it comes all at once and usually I'm disoriented 3+4 days before the moon." Dumbledore seems intrigued upon your misfortune, "Ms.(Y/L/N), Have you attempted to do anything to actives your senses prior to your body doing it naturally?" You nodded you head, remembering the worse experiences you've had attempting to help your self you unconsciously began to frown. Remus noticed and took a hold of your dangling hand yet again and squeezed it while smoking at you, a favor in which you returned. "Would you mind if we gave Madam Pomfrey two tries at helping you with your senses? Not this first moon, but if she cannot succeed after her two tries we will let it be so you do not go through any more pain than you have to?" He questioned you, you could tell that this professor must have a high reputation if Dumbledore trusts him with a werewolf/wizard hybrid. You slightly nod, "Sure." Dumbledore writes something down before looking at the two of you holding hands, he smiles to himself and continues to ask questions seeing as what you will need when the moon is out and telling you how to get to the Shrieking Shack. Once all is sorted out Dumbledore turns to the stairs once again to see Professor McGonagall Exiting the staircase. "Ah! McGonagall. Will you please see these two to the Gryffindor common room and give them the prefect tour seeing as they have missed it?" She politely nodded, "Of course Professor! This way children!" The two of you followed, still holding hands throughout the echoing hallways.

     Later that night after the first years had settled in the Gryffindor prefects called for a little Gryffindor only party in the common room so that the new kids can establish some friendships before actual school starts. Your before mentioned group; James, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Remus and yourself, had quickly found each other and stuck together for most of the night. It soon became apparent that you guys were going to be a group of friends that nobody could break, especially since everyone had at least one other person in the group in every single class. You were never seen without at least one of the others when people found you in class or just roaming the halls. Although, most kids saw you with Remus most of the time, and rumors began to spread... thank you Mr. Lucius Malfoy! It was your second full moon at the castle, during the first one Madam Pomfrey kept Remus and you apart seeing as your inner wolf could become aggressive towards each other. This time she was leaving it completely up to us since we know our way around better and the castle has had time to prepare. You pull Remus into the girls dorm so you can put some blush on his face since he's the 'sick' one this phase and head down stairs. "Hey guys! Remus isn't feeling too good so I'm going to take him to the Hospital Wing." You see a correspondence of nods and make your way down to Madam Pomfrey before heading to the whomping willow. After Remus stopped its crazed appendages you both head through to the shrieking shack. "You know we're going to have to tell them soon or they'll figure it out." You randomly spoke, spooking Remus a bit. "I know, it's just, Dumbledore said these first few are going to be rough because we aren't used to each other yet. Once we have a routine and it is proven that we haven't hurt anybody here then we can tell them." Remus replies but your mumble cuts him off a bit short. "If they don't figure it our before then...." He groans as he starts to feel the transformation start, you not feeling it yet. A couple minutes later the two of you are panting, gulping down water like crazy, still one more night between now and the actual transformation, this must be like a super moon or something, that was rough.

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