Harry's Sister Request

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@JulzLovDraco4Eva  NGL, you requested this back in late September and I am starting to write this in the end of January, so sorry. 

     The true tale of Y/N's past was one that very few knew the full truth, and Y/N was not one of them. You see Y/N was brought up as a Malfoy her entire life, never knowing that her oddly jet black hair did not just come from her 'mothers' side, the Blacks. She may have had a loving older brother by 3 years, but he is not her blood. 

The truth is that Lucius and Narcissa heard that Voldemort was going after James and Lily while Lily was pregnant with Y/N and Harry was 2, Narcissa convinced Lucius to persuade The Dark Lord to wait until the baby is born since they will not be corrupted by 'Dumbledore's values'. For some reason The Dark Lord agreed and spared them 6 months, when he went back Harry had just turned 3 and Y/N was 4 months. Seeing as the Malfoy's were aware of his plan they went down that night to see that Voldemort had in fact tried killing the babies as well, but they survived due to Lily's love, which Narcissa fully understood. They took the girl because nobody else besides the Potter's close friends knew Lily was pregnant again, so nobody would miss the child, they felt that they had saved her life and they were now attached to her. They loved her as their own and when Draco was old enough to fully understand the truth, 10 years old right before going to Hogwarts, they told him. They mainly told him so that he did not make close ties with Y/N's true brother, Harry.

** Y/N's First Year (Draco/Harry's 3rd)**

     Y/N was absolutely bubbling over with excitement for attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Draco was panicking. 'What if he/she finds out they aren't my true sister/brother, what of HE finds out.... OH NO!!' "Draco?" He snapped out of it due to the bell like voice of his 'sister/brother' "Yes darling/bud?" He inquired due to both the inflection of their voice prior and their confused face. "Do we have to separate on the train?" They speak, sounding scared of having to leave their very protective older brother. "No. don't worry. The only time we'll have to separate is after the train ride, you and the other first years will get to the school by boat while we use other transport. Then you will be sorted, but don't worry, you're a Malfoy... you'll be right by my side in Slytherin." This seemed to relax her/him. "Alright now, off you two go! Give me a hug before you board." Narcissa addressed her children after watching that adorable moment happen. Y/N hugged her, then Lucius and went to grab their trunk and wait to follow Draco to a compartment. Draco hugged his mother lovingly, then slowly approaching his father, not read for the harsh words he was fixing to hear, when he hugged him his father began to whisper. "Do not let her or him find out anything, and if she is to be a Gryffindor you MUST  be her best friend in that entire school. Do not be overprotective and push her away, but don't let her get close with him!" Lucius spat into his ear, he quickly replied, "Yes father!" And went to guide his sister/brother to where they will be sitting during the upcoming long train ride along with Crabbe and Goyle. 

*Skip train ride and boats, during the sorting ceremony**

     "Maffle, Susan!" Announced McGonagall's voice across the Great Hall, Y/N was nervous, it was their turn soon, then followed the hats booming voice. "Ravenclaw!"

"Maleon, Petrice!"... "Slytherin!"

"Malfoy, Y/N!" Y/N walked up to the stool, nerves of steel seeing as her whole family was confident in her wearing the green and silver stripes her brother wears. *in her head* ' Hmmmm. This is quite interesting... you are quite certain you are Slytherin yet, you are smart as an owl, quite kind to those around you, but... you are brave...' "Gryffindor!" The entire Hall gasps besides Dumbledore and Draco, the only two in that room who knew the truth at that moment.

Later on that evening in the common room Y/N got to talking with three 3rd years, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Y/N was shocked to not have her brother right next to her like it has been her entire life, but now that it's happened... it is freeing. 

Throughout the next couple of weeks Y/N gets closer and closer to the trio, despite Draco's best efforts to keep her on his side.

* 3 Years Later *

Y/N has been very close with the golden trio ever since her first year, sometimes she shuns out Draco because he tries to keep her away from them. This year it has gotten worse though, Draco has been trying to get Y/N to help him do his task required by the Dark Lord. She refuses to help the monster unless if her not doing so causes her family harm, so instead, she gets roped into Dumbledore's plan to get one pf Professor Slughorn's memories. Y/N goes to the dinner parties, sitting next to Harry and actually doing much better at the bonding thing than Harry, whose attempts are just comedic. Eventually they extracted Slughorn's memory and brought it to Dumbledore, watching the memory that gave Dumbledore the truth he needed for his plan to continue. Later that day Y/N heard her brother walking from the Room of Requirement with more footsteps, one with... oh no... heels... Auntie Bella!! She followed them, unbeknownst to him or the death eaters flocking him. She/He made it to the astronomy tower, Draco pulled his wand and it took everything in Y/N not to get up and tell her brother that he doesn't have to... that they can run from him. But even she knew that was incorrect, that if Dumbledore didn't die today than their entire family would be murdered in front of him, staring with his precious 'sister/brother'. After Dumbledore was killed Y/N snuck back to the Gryffindor common room, turns out Harry was hiding on the other side of the tower watching the battle happen. While Harry confided in Ron you were doing the same with Hermione. Harry and you took a walk to Dumbledore's chambers to look at Slughorn's memory so that you two can finish what Dumbledore started with the Horcrux's. When you arrived there was a vile with a note written in Dumbledore's handwriting. 'If Harry and Y/N are finding this I'm dead and I need you two to know the truth... Watch this with an open mind.' The two rushed to place the memory in the fancy bowl, both dunking their heads in. Seeing the scenes of; Lucius and Narcissa holding the Dark Lord off until Y/N is born, the Dark Lord going back, Lily saving them both, the Malfoy's taking Y/n, and lastly proof that they are siblings. The two came up from the water and stared at each other for a good two minutes before Y/N asked, "You're my real brother!" she squeals and jumps into a very excited and tight hug with Harry. After a week the two have sorted everything out and they have been acting like true siblings, petty fights, accidently copying, etc. The Malfoy's were not happy so to say, but Draco was terrified when he saw her after she found out the truth, lets just say her 'father's' tendencies influenced a lot of energy for that moment. After cutting ties with the Malfoy's Y/N went and basically lived where Harry did, went to find the Horcrux's with him, Hermione and Ron, and ultimately they defeated Voldemort together. The two have been inseparable ever since they found out they were siblings, their strong new bind led them to team work filled success every time so far. This bond created quickly but strongly and will never fade away.


NGL, it took me 4 moths to even start this but less than 2 hours to write.... I swear y'all. I am HORRIBLE!!

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