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Any chaper with '*' is edited. You may find alot of grammer and spelling mistakes.


That's all I hear in my ears as I force my eyes open and let out a groan. My vision begins to clear, but my thoughts are still blurred. I turn my head in order to check my surroundings, I am met with my opponents cocky smile and my pack mates clapping her on the back, congratulating her on yet another win.

As the ringing goes away, I hear people chanting her name, over and over again. I make an attempt to lift my body off the ground, and I fail miserebly.

The wolves that are crowded around the mat began to throw insults at me, per usual. It feels as if they are shoving my insecurities down my throat. The insults continue to come, like water, flowing and flowing into my lungs, as I am gasping for air. Instead, I am gasping for a break. I am no longer submerged in a pool of insults, when I am harshly yanked out...back into reality by the excruciating pain that spreads throughout my entire body.

I struggle to remember why I am in this position, laying on the grass in the training area.

That is until all of the shameful memories of the fight comes back to me.

"Today we will be fighting in our human forms. The only rule is-"

The master of Arms', James, voice is cut off by the crowd of werewolves as they mumble, "Don't change into wolf form at any time throughout the fight"

To this, James gives a curt nod which shows some irritation and pride. Irritated at the fact that he was cut off and proud of the trainers for knowing the rule.

"Carina," My head snaps up at the sound of James shouting my name.

"Yes?"My voice betrays me by coming out shaky, which causes some people to snicker.

"You're up." It only takes two words. Two. Words. To make my entire body shot down and cause my blood to turn cold.

I slowly lift my head to search for my opponent and I am positive that when my eyes lock with hers,
all of the color drains from my face. I suddenly have the urge to run. I want to run as far away as possible, but I can't. If I do, it will give everyone another reason to call me weak.

"Carina, when you are done daydreaming, please let me know, so we can start this fight." Her voice is sharp and I already know she is in a bad mood. I definitely have a 0% chance of beating her. Who am I kidding? I could never beat her, the daughter of the strongest and most powerful alpha, my enemy, my tormenter, Faye

"Sorry," is my pathetic response to her and once again I gain a lot of snickers and harsh insults.

I slowly make my way to the mat as I tie my thick brown hair into a messy bun. Normally, I would try to give myself a mini- pep talk, but today is different. I know that no matter what I do, I will lose, so I prepare myself by getting into a fighting stance once I step onto the mat.

"Begin."James' loud voice booms throughout the training area.

I don't have a second to think before Fay attacks me. She sends a powerful blow to my cheek, then she follows up with kneeing me in my stomach. I double over in pain, but my head is quickly jerked back when she yanks on on my bun so hard that I think my bun is going to detach from my scalp.

She decides to bring her elbow into my face while holding my hair and then knees me, again, in the chin. I crumble to the floor in pain, however I choose to make an attempt to get up instead of
laying there. As soon as I stand on my legs, the she-devil wraps intwines her legs with mine in a tricky way that causes me to lose my balance and fall back to the ground. I end up face planting.

The action of my face connecting with the mat causes laughter to erupt throughout the crowd.

I have no time to feel embarrassed when Fay grabs my throat in order to pull me back up, instead of making me fall again, she lets me stand up.

I know it's coming, the part where she gives me hope,
hope that she will take it easy on me, but then yanks every ounce of hope out of my body.

I decide to wait. I wait for her to rain all hell on my body because I know it is coming. It is her signature move. She lets her opponents think she is done, but she is far from that.

It is like the calm before the storm.

Before I can blink, Fay unleashes the storm by raining punch after punch on my body. She is relentless, even when I fall to the ground, she continues. The next thing I know, the lightning bolt comes out of the storm that is Fay. Her fist strikes the side of my face, quick, sudden, and deadly... exactly like lightning. However in this case, instead of the lightning bolt striking a tree, it chooses to strike my face.

I wince as the fight replays in my head, repeatedly, as I lay in my bed.

I was commanded by Alpha Maximus, Fay's father, to stay up here for some 'rest'. My parents agreed with him, as usual because they are blinded when it came to how I was treated in this pack. They believed that the alpha really cared, I however knew the real reason that I was stuck up here.

The pack believed I was a disappointment. Many of them despised me, for a reason that I don't know.

Alpha Maximus doesn't do anything about it, like my parents he is blinded. He doesn't see how much of a devil his daughter is.

Honestly, Faye runs the pack, not him. Fay is the real reason I am locked up here while the pack is partying.

I look down and scan the crowd. All of them are happy, careless, and free. They don't notice a missing pack member.

They don't realize I am not there.

My decision is final. I will run away to night. I have put up with this treatment for years, so I am done with it. I am done with this pack.

When I leave tonight, they won't realize I am not here.

No one will attempt to bring me back to the pack.

I will be forgotten.


This is the first story that I have ever written, so I hope you guys can stick with me as
I figure this thing out.

The chapters will be longer than this and I will edit it when the book is over.

I will try to update every Friday, but I may update it earlier if I get inspired or something.

Thank you for giving this book a chance and you guys can message me for any questions.

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