Chapter 5: Trespassing

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That is what surrounds us as the members of The Elite members glare at us.

Amara, Zoe, and I don't dare to make a move. The three of us stand completely still on all fours.

It is so quiet, I can hear the crickets and birds chirping. The sun has completely gone down and the moon is casting it's light onto the field.

The Elite's eyes were all glowing purple. Their eyes were beautiful. Hypnotizing. If you looked hard enough, you could see the mischief and danger beneath the magnificent orbs.

I continued to stare at the entrancing eye color until the silence was interrupted by a hard, yet smooth voice.

"Why are you wretched rogues in our territory?" My wolf's head snapped to the sound of a males accented voice. Similar to the blood-sucker that knocked on my door, the vampire's features are strikingly gorgeous, along with his old English accent.

Realizing that we can't answer in wolf form the man commands us.

"Shift." His intimidating voice and facial expression makes me want to shift without any thought, but I refuse to allow this man to see me naked. Noting the silence, I know that Amara feels the same, but Zoe seems as if she would shift in a heartbeat.

As if sensing our discomfort, the man continues.

"Oh please, You rogue wolves have nothing that I haven't already seen in all the centuries that I have been on this earth. Let alone, anything that will please me." His comment soothes my discomfort, but it also enraged me.

Another mans chuckle breaks my attention away from the disrespectful man. His smell is unique, unlike anything that I have ever smelled. He smells of a vampire, yet he has the scent of a witch. A rare-hybrid.

"You sure do have a way with words, brother. No wonder why you can't get any girls." His hearty chuckle and amused expression lightens up the tension.

"Xenos, this isn't the time for your foolish games and childish banter." The disrespectful man's voice is monotone as he responds to this said Xenos.

Xenos rolls his eyes in response to his 'brother'.

A woman that smells of a hybrid, vampire-werewolf, walks over toward the nameless man and hands him a bag. The man removes shirts from the bag and throws them in our direction.

"Change. If you try to escape, I will hunt you all down and kill you. I will dispose of you useless rogues the way that you deserve." I can't help the growl that rumbles in my chest at the sound of the mans words, along with the snarl that rips out of Amara's wolf's mouth. However, like good little wolves, we head behind a trees to change. As I change, I can't help but think about how Zoe's behavior has changed.

When we were commanded to change unlike Amara and I, Zoe cast her eyes down in a submissive manor. She said she has crossed paths with The Elite before, she didn't bother to go into details. Maybe they could be worse than I thought.

I didn't bother to contact Amara or Zoe while I was changing because I simply didn't feel like having a conversation, considering our situation.

When I finished changing, I rounded the tree only to find Amara and Zoe alone with 10 pairs of eyes staring at me. I automatically tug down the shirt that only reaches mid-thigh, due to the number of eyes on me.

I hear a snort and once again, my attention does to the nameless man.

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