Chapter 3: Blood-Sucker

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The knocking on the door continues as Amara and I stare at each other.

"Why are they here?" My voice travels through the mind link.

"I don't know maybe we should ask-" Amara's voice is cut off by the sound of the bathroom door opening.

My eyes break contact with Amara only to travel over to the mystery girl. Her eyes are wide and they aren't moving from the door that is no longer being knocked on, the vampire is now pounding on it.

It seems as if her eyes are going to pop out her head, her breathing becomes labored and she is glued to her position in the door way. She has a towel tightly wrapped around her body and her hair is in tight curls, showing that she washed it.

I desperately began to look around for anything, any way out. Sadly, I come up with nothing.

"I am going to open the door. Don't panic and try to control your wolf." Amara nods her head in response to my words.

I pivot on my heal so that I am facing the door, once again. I reach out for the door knob, but this time I actually open it.

The blood-sucker looks as if he was about to kick the door down and he is furious. My eyes scan his face and I almost choke on my saliva.

The man has high cheek bones which cause his cheeks to sink in slightly, but in an attractive way. He has a jawline so sharp that I would probably cut my finger if I slid it across. His lips are pink and mildly plumped. They look soft, but have a slightly chapped look to them. My gaze slowly travels up his face to meet his grayish blue eyes. When our eyes lock, all traces of anger vanish from his face and he stares blankly at me.

It seems like we stare at each other for hours until his velvet voice pulls me out of the weird trance.

"I believe you have something of mine." His voice holds slight hints of accusation and a British accent.

I clear my throat before saying, "Would you care to enlighten me why you just showed up at my door at 1 in the morning, claiming that I have something you own." I can't hold
back the annoyance and anger that line my voice because honestly, I am tired and I am not the nicest person to be around when I am deprived of my beauty sleep. The fact that he is a vampire just makes me even more annoyed because he is breathtakingly gorgeous.

"Let us not play this game, mutt. I know you have my dog and I would like her back. She stole from me and now she owes me her life. I can take her without any trouble, or I can kill you and your little blonde friend in order to get what is rightfully mine. Take your pick." He finishes with a wicked, wide smile on his face that displays his perfectly white teeth.

I continue to stare at him because I simply don't know what I should choose. I mean, I have no clue nor connection with that girl, so why should I put my life on the line for her? What I do know is that, she was terrified and shaking when she realized that this man has found her. I also know that she was very injured and almost lost her life at the hand of this man. So with that knowledge, I make my decision.

"I don't know who you think you are, but I know that you are trespassing right now. I don't care who your are or what you are, if you don't leave, I will be forced to take matters into my hands and make you leave. Maybe you should keep a leash on this dog of yours and it wouldn't go wandering. If I did have this said dog, I wouldn't give it to you because maybe there is a reason why it ran away. Now, I would like if you would leave my blonde-haired friend and I alone before I rip your head off your shoulders, blood-sucker." My voice comes out sharp and holds a lot a venom. I give him the deadliest glare I can muster before slamming the door in his face.

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