Chapter 1: Rogue

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2 years later

"Cari, wake up!"

Those are the words that are yelled into my ear by my lovely best friend, Amara.

"No, I don't want to. Why can't you let me sleep?" I groan out.

"I'm awake, so you have to be up too. Besides we have to get up."

"In what world is that logical? Please tell me because it isn't on Earth. While your at it, you can also elaborate on why I have to get up." I sharply reply.

"It is logical in my world, grumpy pants. And you know why we have to get up." Amara narrows her eyes at me as she says this because of course I know why, I just want to be difficult. We can never stay in the same place to long because there is always a pack's territory close by and pack wolves aren't to fond of rogues.

I slowly get up which causes Amara to snap at me and tell me to hurry up before she leaves me.

What a great friend we have.

I roll my eyes at the amount of sarcasm in my wolf's , ...., voice.

Amara and I have been best friends ever since she almost killed me when I ran into her, literally. I was running because I didn't want any pack members, or should I say ex-pack members, to catch me and drag me back to that hell hole. I doubt they would, but it was just to be safe.

Long story short, I persuaded her not to rip my head off, which led to us getting to know each other. Overall, she was the only person that seen me as something other than a disappointment. she brought out a side of me that I didn't know existed and helped me train to be the wolf I am today. I love her for that and I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be on the run with.

"CARINA!" My head snaps up to Amara, who looks very angry.

"Stop daydreaming, we have to get going." I respond by simply nodding my head as an ok.

After we pack up what little things we have and shift into our wolves to
travel, my wolf lowers her head down and picks up our bag with her mouth. We always have to carry our bags in our mouths due to the fact that we have no where else to carry it in our wolf forms.

My wolf is an average brown colored wolf and an average size along with Amara's black wolf with white on her paws and snout. My wolf is the complete opposite of me, she is definitely temperamental and overly sarcastic for no reason.

As we run, our wolves are on high alert for any noises or suspicious movement. Throughout the run, Amara's wolf brushes up against mine in a playful manor and sometimes we get distracted and end up play fighting.


By the time we reach a place we feel is safe, we search for any place to stay. Luckily, we find a run down motel with a diner beside it. It isn't the best, but anything is better than sleeping on the hard ground in the woods.

Once we check in with the scarce amount of money we have for necessities, we decided to drop our stuff of in our room.

Walking into the diner is like walking into a nursing home, it's filled with old people. I look to Amara and she just shrugs.

"This is as good as it gets, Cari." Her voice startled me when it enters my mind through our mind link. The reason being, we rarely use it in our human form, only in wolf when we need to communicate.

"I know, A." Is my response because I do know. We don't have time for jobs, so we can't afford 'Grade A' food.

She send me a small smile as we make our way to a table in the back, hidden from most of the diners.

"Cari, do you think we ever will be able to relax or even find our mate?" My eyes widen at Amara's question because she has never mentioned the mate topic before. Mates are very hard to come across in the werewolf world, so I highly doubt it. Even though we are basically exploring the whole United States, I still think it won't be likely for us to find them.

Amara takes my silence as a no and she casts her eyes downward towards her menu. I instantly feel bad for not giving my friend hope, but I don't want to fill her head with high expectations not knowing if they can ever be reached. However, I decide to give her a little slimmer of hope by my next words.

"Honestly Mar, I don't know. I don't think it is possible, but then again, I didn't think it was possible for someone to care for me." Her head snaps up at the sound of my voice, I give her a small smile and the continue. "But I met you and I was proven wrong. So yea....maybe we can find our mates, or at least you can. Anything is possible Mar, we just have to see what life brings." I finish with a full blown smile on my face which causes Amara's face to split into a grin.

"You're right C, anything is possible." We stare at each other for a few minutes until we erupt with laughter that causes many head to turn towards us. I can't find it in me to care about the glares we are getting for interrupting the 'quiet time'. I just continue to enjoy this rare moment of happiness as I think one thing.

Anything is possible.


The story is going to pick up soon. Just think of this as the calm before the storms and enjoy it while it lasts.

Thanks again for reading this story.

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