Chapter 6: The Journey

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We have been walking for miles.

The moon is high in the sky and I haven't had any food ever since my meal was interrupted . To add to my mood, the ropes have already started rubbing into my skin, leaving my wrists raw.

Throughout our journey, I have been studying everyone's features.

Jade, the girl that is currently dragging my best friend, has dark brown hair and now that her eyes are no longer glowing purple, hazel eyes. She has high cheekbones and semi-full pink lips. She clearly has a short-temper and isn't a peoples person.

Xenos on the other hand, he seems like he is only wearing this cold face because he is forced to. I'm pretty sure he would be talking to me right now if he could. He has blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. Jade and Xenos both have high cheekbones, along with everyone else that is apart of The Elite.

Lucas is very attractive, but he has a terrible personality. Along with Jade, he is clearly not a peoples person. Anyway, Lucas has gorgeous caramel colored skin and brown eyes. His hair is curly and he has a great jawline, along with Xenos. If I'm being honest, I would totally be attracted to them if they weren't so cruel.

All the others have striking features and are gorgeous. Having good looks must be another perk of being a part of The Elite.

"Are we almost there?" Amara's voice sounds foreign to my ears. She sounds breathless and her voice is raspy, probably because from the lack of water.

Amara's question is answered with silence. They don't even acknowledge her.

This is how it has been the whole way through our journey. They would act like they aren't dragging innocent girls to their deaths.

No, I'm not being dramatic.

"Can you shut up? No one called you dramatic, rogue." My eyes widened when I realized what Lucas said.

"What? I didn't even say that out loud." I exclaimed.

In response, I received an annoyed sigh.

I stopped myself when I began to repeat my question and just rolled my eyes with an annoyed sigh of my own.


I just finished walking a third mile

And Guess what?

We still aren't there, but they have been kind enough to remove the ropes that were binding our wrists.

"I'm hungry." My words came out as a childish whine. To add to my childish act, I began to pout.

Lucas didn't even spare me a glance, Jade just snorted as if to say she couldn't care less. Unlike the two pricks, Xenos looked over in my direction from the front of our little group. When his eyes connected with mine, they held a slight hint of amusement, but he quickly reverted them to a blank stare. After a couple minutes of an awkward staring contest, he turned around.

Yet, I still didn't get an answer, again.

Then I flipped my shit.

"I know you ignorant fools hear me. I have asked you all questions and you act like you are deaf. I know that stick that is shoved up your arses doesn't effect your hearing. You all are stuck-up old hags that think you are better than us because of your 'original bloodlines' and honestly I couldn't care less that you are The Elite when it comes to my food. Now, I'm going to say it again and I expect a response from you imbeciles. I am hungry." By the time I am done with my rant, I am in Lucas's face. Like I said, I couldn't care less because I am hungry and I want food.

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