Chapter 2: Trouble

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After finishing our meal, Amara and I head up to our room and get ready for bed.

Amara decided to let me get in the shower first which I am very thankful for because I feel disgusting. After being in the woods and only bathing in a lake, it is refreshing to use an actual shower.

I take my time and decide to wash my hair and scrub my skin until I feel as if all the dirt and stench is off of my body. When I step out the shower and grab my towel, I realize it is very quiet. I automatically become suspicious and an unsettling feeling forms in my stomach.

"Amara?" I shout. I notice that my voice comes out shaky, it is something that happens when in nervous and I can't really control it.

I wait a few second for a response, but I all I get in response is silence. I nervously reach for the doorknob with shaky hands, terrified of what awaits for me on the other side of this door.

I slowly open it and peak my head out, only to see an empty room. I instantly go in to defense mode, looking for an intruder or anything for that matter.

"Mar, this isn't funny." I attempt to get a response out of her, again. The response is the same, silence.

I look over to the door to see its unlocked and my blood runs cold. Without thinking, I run over to the door and open it, sprinting out into the cold night without a second thought. I frantically look around for Amara.m, yet there is no sign of her or anyone.

I walk barefoot on the sidewalk and round the corner. I mentally scold myself for becoming like one of those dumb girls in a scary movie, but I continue to walk because my best friends life may be in danger.

"Amara, please answer me. I don't know if this is another one of your sick jokes or not, but I am beginning to worry. Please just say something, Mar." I know my voice probably will come across very shaky and frantic through the mind link, but I could care less.

"Carina, Go back into the room. I will be there in a few, don't worry I am fine." Relief floods through my body at the sound of Amara's voice in my mind.

"Are you crazy? I am not leaving you out here by yourself, Amara." All of the fear leaves my body and now is replaced by irritation and anger. Anger because I can't believe Amara would do just walk out like that and not tell me. Irritation at the fact that she thinks I'm going to just walk back into the room without knowing where she is or what situation made her leave so abruptly.

"Trust me. Go back into the room." Her tone tells me that there is no point in arguing with her.

I reluctantly turn on heels and make my way back to the hotel room. When I return to the room, I lock the doors and change into a pair of leggings and a oversized, worn out shirt. I take a seat on the bed while staring at the door, waiting for Amara.


Hours have passed. Amara told me to come back into this room 2 hours ago and has yet to contact me again. I am currently pacing the room and conjuring up a plan to attack whoever or whatever is keeping her out there so long.

After, thinking about everything that can possibly go wrong, I began to make my way to the door, when it is abruptly opened.

I pretty sure I look like a dead stuck in head lights as I stare at Amara and the girl that she is carrying.

"Who is she?" That is the only thing that I can say as I stare at the girl. The beautiful mocha-skin colored girl has her arm over Amara's shoulder and her face is twisted in pain.

"I will explain later." I simply nod in Amara's direction because I can't think of a smart reply.

Amara sets the girl down on one of the two beds in the room, her bed. The girl winces and that's when I notice the bruises and blood that covers her body.

I sprint into the bathroom to run a warm bath for her, in hope that it will help. I honestly don't know why she is here or what is going on, but I know that she is very badly injured and she needs help.

I walk back into the room to inform Amara of the bath that is awaiting the mystery girl. The girl sends me a small smile which looks more like a grimace because of the pain and I simply nod, as usual.

Amara and I help the girl into the bathroom and she gives us permission to undress her, not caring about her privates because of the current state she is in. After underdressing her, we help her into the tub and then make our way out to give her some time alone.

Now is the time to talk. Instead of using words, I choose to do it through mind link to prevent the girl from hearing our conversation.

" Who is that, Amara? Why did you abruptly leave like that? I don't think you know how worried I was. You are all I have and vice versa. It didn't cross you mind I tell me where you were going before you left. For goodness sake, I almost had a freaking heart attack. I thought you were gone, Mar. I thought you were heart or that they found you. Never do that again." The words travel through the link so fast that I can't control them. If it wasn't for the guilty look on her face, I wouldn't think that she caught a word from my lecture.

"Sorry, C." Is her brilliant response.

" Sorry? Sorry doesn't cut it. I need an explanation." I reply sharply followed by a glare.

"While you were in the shower, I heard a howl and immediately knew a wolf was in trouble. I ran to the area whet I hear it from without thinking about the consequences. When I got there I seen the girl bruised and battered. I ran to her and analyzed her injuries. She was stabbed in the stomach and had deep scratches from claws on her arms. Her thigh held a puncture wound from a claw and it didn't look liked she could walk in this condition." She looks over to me and I urge her to continue.

"You mind linked me at the exact moment I got there, I told you to go back home because I didn't know what was out there. After realizing how bad her wounds were, I knew I couldn't make my way back until she healed. So, we sat there for an hour while I tried to get her to explain, but she was way hysterical to talk. We sat there until she gave me the ok to walk, then we finally began our journey back." Amara took a deep breath and looked over at me . I tilted my head to the side because there was still some missing information.

"So, who is she?" I decide to ask because it was the first thing that came to mind when I seen her.

Amara was about to respond, but was interrupted by banging on the door. I looked at Amara, silently asking if she was expecting anybody through the mind link and she shook her head no.
I slowly got up and made my way over to the door. I reached for the lock and then I immediately stopped when I smelled it. The disgusting scent filled my nostrils along with Amara's. I looked over to her and her face matched mine, confusion and disgust.

They smelled of copper, rotting flesh, and death. I hated it.

I hated them.

Why is there a a vampire outside Carina's room?

Who is this mystery girl?

Is Amara telling the truth?

Who are they that Amara is running from?

All questions will be answered in due time.

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