five // away

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tyler, who was still tucked up against josh, actually smiled against the soft fabric of josh's jumper that he'd lent to him. with his teeth, he bit his lip, his sweater paw in between. he snuggled his head further into josh, feeling for more warmth, more of him.

josh placed butterfly kisses to his cheeks, his forehead, the top of his fluffy hair, anywhere he could reach. this moment was one where he had to show tyler he was truly loved, now more than ever.

however, josh was only human, here was so much he could do, but there were also many limits. like not getting cold.

"are you cold? we should head home, anyway" tyler pondered aloud. even though he did suggest they move, he still clung onto josh as if his life depended on it. he kissed the small exposure of skin the neck of his shirt allowed. when he felt josh's arms loosen around him, though, he got up to let josh move.

"yeah, sorry," he scratched the back of his head, lightly tugging and the faded pink hair. "my car's over there" he pointed, then holding tyler's hand and leading the way to the car park a few minutes away.

tyler tried to be hidden as he walked closer to josh, making sure their arms touched. yeah, he knew it was silly, but he just wanted to make sure they stayed together the entire time he was in tyler's sight.

the pair walked slowly, hands linked, love strengthened. although the situation they were in was quite melancholy, it just shows how love is an important thing in peoples lives. it can face up to death, overcome pain. but only if you believe in it.

and that's what tyler realised. he needed to believe in josh, as much as he did him. so he did. maybe he wasn't as bad as he thought he was.

"um, i-i'm sorry" tyler's voice cracked, his words almost wept away with the wind they were so quiet. but if he did believe josh loved him, then maybe josh had a tougher time than tyler did when he threatened to end his own life.

josh suddenly stopped, bringing tyler with him. he snaked his arms around tyler's waist, fingertips pressing into his hips. he brought both of their foreheads together, pink noses touching. "i don't want you to be sorry for anything, ty" he spoke with sincerity, his voice ringing out in tyler's head. "i fucking love you so much, i just want to spend my life with you. i can't do that if you're not the first thing i see in the morning"

josh wiped away the stray tears that slipped down tyler's face with the pads of his thumbs, his eyes starting to water up now. he really did love tyler, he had no idea what he'd do if tyler wasn't here with him right now. or at anytime nearer the future.

"i love you so much, too" tyler brought his face up and kissed him gingerly before beginning to walk towards the car again, noticing josh's shivering.

*.                                                                                          .*

tyler was tugged along until they finally reached josh's car, him opening the passenger door for tyler. "ladies first," he laughed, referring to one of the memories tyler had recalled today. tyler let out a little 'pfft' before climbing in, genuine happiness in his veins and travelling throughout his body.

as soon as josh closed the door, he turned the heating on, feeling the cool air blast into his face. he gasped, throwing his hands out and trying to block it, fiddling around to try and turn it off.

❏ the edge ❐ joshler // short storyWhere stories live. Discover now