Chapter 26

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since alice was bugging me, here is the next chapter ^__^


Sasuke and Kakashi appeared after the battle, they had seen the battle and was impressed at their power, but it was Sasuke's turn now.


Hitomi woke up with a grown and tried to sit up, but the pain at her abdomen was too great and she layed back down.

She heard a chuckle and saw Haruka who was smiling. "Nice battle." she murmered.

Hitomi laughed, but stopped and clutched her stomach.

Haruka frowned,"They hadn't healed you yet?'

Hitomi shook her head,"See, I knew they hated me."

Haruka laughed,"Nice, but fortunately for you I know some medical ninjutsu."

Haruka had her hands hover over Hitomi's abdomen, wear a prominent gash appeared across it. Golden chakra surrounded her hands and immediatley Hitomi felt better.

"Thanks!" said Hitomi cheerfully.

Haruka smiled and nodded.

Suddenly a large crash was heard and 3 snakes came through the village walls. Shinobi were yelling and fighting. People were panicking.

Oh shoot.


Hitomi's Pov

I heard loud crashes and people screaming. Whats going on? Suddenly the building shook and me and Haruka jumbed out the window as the building collapsed. 

"Whats happening?" I asked Haruka.

Haruka said bluntly,"We are being attacked."


"We have to get the exams." Haruka said inturrupting me.


"To make sure the hokage is alright."

I swallowed at the thought of him not being so. 

Haruka then grabbed my hand and ran. I asked,"What happened to the Light Travel?"

"We need to conserve as much chakra as we can at this point."

Smart girl.

We ran into the arena, and it was a mess. The hokage was in this little purple chamber thing, oh shiz we are in trouble. Haruka told me this.

I blocked a kick from some ninja, and broke his leg. I then axe kicked his face. 


Narrators's Pov 

"Hitomi! Go with Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru, and Pakkun to follow Sasuke."

"Kay~" Hitomi sang.

"Haruka! My youthful student of youth! Go youthfully with these other youthful ninjas to follow Sasuke, YOUTHFULLY" yelled Guy striking a poze.

"o.e" this was of course Hitomi. But Haruka seemed unfazed.

"Okay!" she said giving a thumbs up. Everybody sweat dropped at her and they were off.

Along the way, shika was left behind because he felt like it, also Haruka had to battle 20 sand ninjas and she caught up to us in a few seconds.

"That was fast." Hitomi said.

"They were only jounin level." responded Haruka.

"Oh, then you took awhile." 

Haruka snorted.

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