Chapter 5

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Here! Enjoy!!! And please comment! I AM STILL LONELY!!!!


Hitomi's Pov

I woke up to the sound of.... wait a mintue... Where is my alarm clock? O_O SHEEEEEEEEEET!

Your gonna be late you know?

Yes I know, I'm not stupid.

You know thats not true.

I mentally sighted, I know.

I dressed in my new ninja clothes. I FELT SO NINJA! I was wearing some black shorts, a black short sleeve hoodie, black ninja shoes, and my VIOLET headband, was around hips, just under my belly button. Not the waist cause then I'd look..... *shivers* Ino...... 




So yeah, If I do says so my self I look pretty bad ash. My bandages completly covered my left arm, left leg, and upper body so UNO PROBLEMO SOLVED! Just to break up the bandages, since they were all over my body, I had black fingerless gloves. (Pic to the side ---->)

I tied my brown hair up into a high ponytail. Woah, I didn't realise how long my hair was. It was to my knees! I sighed again. I made a promise to my self years ago, that whenever my feelings were hurt badly, I would cut my hair short and keep it like that untill I was okay. Yup, so the next time I cut it would be when I would be hurt again.







I ran to the ninja academy and bust into class. Immediately silence filled the room. Silence. Awkward. Gosh I bet I'm gonna do something stupid again. 

And guess what.

I did!

I made a peace sign and flashed a smile to the class.

That was stupid.

Shut up!

Iruka finally talked. FINALLY! Please Iruka, tell us some of your great wisdom, oh wise teacher! I can't take the stares and the silence!

"Who are you?"


I looked up at him. His eyes told me he recognized me. "Oh, sorry Hitomi!" He said rubbing the back of his neck. I sweat dropped. I sat next to Naruto, since it was the only seat open.

I whispered to him,"Hey did they say anything about my team?"

He looked at me,''Who are you?"

I sweat dropped again, wasn't he listening?

He's almost as stupid at you.

"Shut up." I muttered.

"What?" asked Naruto.

"Oh not you! And I'm Hitomi."

Naruto's eyes widened,"Hitomi, your pretty!" 

I blushed and laughed,"Thanks, but did they call my-"

"And Team 7 Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and Hitomi."

My eye twitched, why was I the one without a cool last name? Ergh. So I'm stuck with Bubblegum, Le Annoying, and the Potato Duck Butt Uchiha thing. I sighed,"Why am I on such a sucky team?" 

Iruka rolled his eyes," Naruto had the worst score, you, Hitomi, got the best score, Sakura got less then average, and Sasuke got second best. Its even."

Sasuke glared at me. Hehehhehe. Jealous Potato Duck Butt. The reason I call him potato, is because emo means potato in japanese. Hehehhe. Wait.... He's still glaring at me..... 

I hit my head against the desk,"The most dysfunctional team ever."


Shut up and quick complaining, you useless girl.


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