Chapter Sixteen

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A few days I spent my time with the guys and I didn't care if I Sierra gave me daggers all the time because I want to spend as much time I want to. Today though, Jack was going to take me out on a date and Cassadee was here for the summer and she's the only one that knows about the plan and she's happy about it all and she thinks Jack and I are really good couple but we aren't going out... "What about this?" she asked looking at the dress I wore to Lisa's a few weeks ago. I shook my head and looked at what makeup I should use from Cass's makeup set and I agreed on the smoky affect. She pulled out a nice little black dress but it was too dark and not nice for a date. "You have basically nothing, if you didn't throw out the clothes then this would be easier," Cass huffed until she widened her eyes at something that I couldn't see and she pulled out a lovely tartan red dress that had a skater skirt and it was shirtless that covered my chest and tied round my neck.

"I don't even remember getting that," I said and she squealed in joy and rushed over to me.

"Put it on! I want to see you in it now!" she exclaimed and pushed the dress towards me as I took it and got changed until I was finished and she smiled at until she looked down on the floor and gave me my nice, black converse. "Put those on too," she said and I did what she says in case she will do something to me because if I don't see would damage me permanently. (A/N If you guys never seen Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging then OMG you guys need to see it now! It's the best British chick flick except for Mean Girls because that's fantastic and American) "I know exactly how to do your hair," she said and we sat down on the floor as she curls my hair until she done my makeup too at what I wanted it and she was amazing.

I checked myself in the mirror and blushed at my appearance. "Also put this on too," she said and gave me a black cross long necklace that sat just in between my breasts and a few bracelets and I was finished. "Wow you look...amazing girl! I wish I was Jack," she joked and I chuckled looking at myself in the mirror and liked my appearance. Cass gave me a nice, little black bag to put everything that I need in it and soon the doorbell went.

We walked downstairs and it reminded me a little bit when Josh came for a little date we had and I smiled at the memory knowing he found someone that he actually really cared about; Alex. Yes Josh and Alex are together and I was confused about Alex being the ladies' man he was but since he was lonely; Josh and him had a little moment and he found out that he was bisexual and Zack, Rian, Cass and I are supporting them and they are really cute together and I still remember the time when they came out only a week ago and I also brought up the whole truth about Mr Barakat and I.

Zack, Cass, Rian and I were in Rian's basement blasting out Blink 182 First Date and just talking amongst ourselves about music until we heard footsteps coming down the stairs and we saw a nervous Alex and a happy Josh walking down. "Hey guys!" I exclaimed and we all say hey before they stood in front of us and Alex was looking down to his foot.

"What's up?" Zack asked as we all know Alex wasn't himself.

"We have something to tell you guys, don't we Alex?" Josh said and softly nudged Alex as he looked up and smiled at us.

"Yes and well before we say anything I just want to say please be supportive and still be friends," Alex said nervously and we all looked at them at what they're hiding.

"Alex and I are together!" Josh shouted in happiness as him and Alex held their hands up in the air intertwined and we were all shocked in case it was joke or something.

"I've been bisexual for a few days now since Josh and I spent a lot of time together and then he told me he liked me and because I was a little bit lonely we made out and now I really like him and I've never felt like this before," Alex said and we all squealed of joy with everybody with happiness. We got up to them and gave them both a massive, tight hug as we all squealed with each other. We all pulled apart and Cassadee looked at me and I know I had to tell them now.

"Guys...since we're spilling happy stuff I might as well spill things out too but this is a lot more serious than Josh and Alex's thing but I want you to also be supportive and keep it to yourselves please..." I said slowly and looked at Cass as she gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm basically in a relationship with Mr Barakat," I confessed and they all looked at me in shock.

"What!" Alex voice loudened and I know I've should've kept my mouth shut.

"So after all this time, not coming with us after school is because you're with him?" Rian asked and I nodded my head.

"And when you ran off at the party you went to go to see him?" Alex said and I nodded my head again.

"I know it's really bad but this is my first relationship and he's helped me a lot with everything and my singing also and I really like him and he likes me too..." I trailed off. "Just please don't tell anybody though, please." I looked at the guys as they looked at me and then Josh walked towards me.

"I know you like him, the way you guys look at each other in music is definitely something there and you know what! I don't care if you're going out with a teacher and that's illegal I will support you through it all since you've helped me a lot also." Josh said and I nodded my head smiling and gave him a hug knowing someone is happy about it. We let go and I looked at the guys as they all smiled and gave me a group hug.

"It's a terrible thing and I wouldn't think you out of anyone would do something but you seem to really like him and I love that." Rian said. And everyone came into a group hug and it was great to finally let everything out now.

I smiled at everything now and Jack was looking at me astounded already in the house. "You look stunning," his mouth was formed in an 'o' shape and I giggled. He was very attractive tonight as always and I smiled at him.

"You don't look to bad yourself either," I winked and walked out the house and into the car as he takes me somewhere private and nice.

After dinner we drove back to his house and I smiled as we entered back into his house and we ripped each other's clothes off until he was sucking on my neck as I moaned in pleasure. I felt his member on my thigh and I trailed my fingertips all over thigh and I smiled as he moaned against my neck until he was already playing with my tongue with his own and I heard him rip the wrapper until he was inside me and thrusting as I screamed in pleasure and it was like déjà vu again but this time it was a lot better and I enjoyed it.

After climaxing we lied on the bed breathing heavily until he spoke out: "Would you like to be my girlfriend Carly?" he asked.

"Sure of course, round two for celebrating?" I asked and he hovered over me and smirked.

"Of course." I winked and soon we went for Round two.


I'm sorry for the short chapters I've been revising, doing homework and shit and I hope this helped you a little bit:P and I needed to add some Jarly smut;) Also Alex and Josh are together!:D

Also it's the time of the year we're i'm doing loads of tests so they will put me into good classes for my massive exams that will be happening this time next year called Prelims and that will happen the rest of either 3/2/1 years I want to stay in since I could leave at 16 with a job or go to college. So I might not update a lot but I will try as much as I can but it's school and soon i'll get my choices and I want to be either a Radio broadcaster or Counsel Psychologist but also a photographer for a side so i'm sorry again.

Question: What do you want to be when you get older?

Teach Me How To Be Sexy, Mr Barakat (Jack Barakat, Teacher/Student Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now