Chapter 1

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Sakura's POV

    RIIIING-RIIIIIING-RIIIIING *click*. As I finally shut of that anoying alarm I slowly rose out of my bed.

"Stupid alarm" I muttered sleepily. I brushed my teeth , took a shower , threw on some skinny jeans , Converse and a black hoodie with the Black Veil Brides logo on it and went downstairs.

    I don't believe i've introduced myself. Hello ! My name is Sakura Lilian Rose. I have long light pink hair , red eyes (yes i was born with pink hair and red eyes) I'm pale and really skinny for some weird ass reason. I enjoy rock music , my favorite band is BVB and my favorite anime is Black Butler. I love the colors black and blood red.

Anyways introductions over (for now).

"Hey mom. Hey dad. Mornin'"

" Morning sweetie" replied my mom and dad in a hurry. I got some toast and ate it on the way towards the hellhole that people call highschool.

"Hey, freak !" was the first thing I heard as I entered the school. Yayyyyyy Elizabeth and her cronies Victoria and Jessica.

"What the fuck do you want Elizabeth ?" I responded while speedwalking to my locker.

"Oh, you know, just for you to die already since nobody wants you. "

Ahhhhhh yes. The morning speech about how useless I am. It hurt a lot at first but I got used to it.

*le time skip because I suck at making school scenes*

    Lunchtime finally arrived. Yesss now I can finally see ma gurl Luna! Luna and me are bffs. Both of us huge Black Butler fans. Her crush is Finny while mine is (drumroll please) Sebastian ! Of course , who wouldn't love that smexy demon butler ?

"HEY RI!" I heard her shout in my ear as I was shoving my books into my locker.

"Hey Luna. " I said while smiling. This girl never fails to cheer me up. We went, ate lunch , talked about Black Butler and went to class.

*le magical time skip brought to you by Finny's adorableness*

When I got home I made a huge decision. Fuck homework, I'm watching Black Butler. The whole season one. Heck yeah. I turned the TV on , put on BB and went to make popcorn. The moment I walked in my living room. Still fully dressed and with my bag still on my shoulder, but with popcorn in my hands I was sent into blackness. (A.K.A a motherfucker hit me over the head)

Okiii first chappie done. That was really fun to write. Welp see ya in the next chapter.

-Author-chan out~💜

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