Chapter 2

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Sakura's POV

As I slowly woke up I felt grass beneath my hands. 'That's weird.' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes. As I opened them I saw three pairs of eyes that were so familiar I almost screamed. I really wanted to fangirl but I had to hold back so the first thing I said was

"Where the frackidy wack am I ?"

Mey-Rin's POV

I was cleaning the dishes like Sebastian said when I saw a bright flash of white come from outside. When I went to check it out I saw Finny and Bard go towards what looked like a girl with pink hair and really weird clothes. We were all looking at her when she suddenly opened her eyes and looked really shocked. She said one thing that confused all of us.

"Where the frackidy wack am I ?".

Sakura's POV

They looked really confused when I said that. Oh right. People were way more polite in the Victorian era.

"No seriously please tell me where I am!" I lied. Of course I knew where I was. I could recognise those faces anywhere. Gotta play innocent for now.

"Umm you're at the Phantomhive manor miss."

"The Phanto-what ?"

"Umm the Phantomhive manor. Have you never heard of it ?"


"Well obviously you have no idea what's going on so let's go inside and get you cleaned up." Well that was easy. Now I need to give Ciel a good reason to not kill me. Shit. Lucky they aren't home. Otherwise I would be demon food.........

We went inside and went to Mey-Rin's room. As we were going through dresses I could possibly wear until Ciel came home we realised none of her dresses could fit me.

"Miss, you're too tall to wear mine, Bard's or Finny's clothes. But we don't have any others except Sebastian's and we're not allowed to go in his room and-"

"Mey, calm down! You're not alowed to go into his room. He doesn't know about me however. And also, please call me Sakura."

Bard's POV

"So how'd it go?"

"We need to go into Sebastian's room."

"WHAT !? Mey that's a death wish and ya know it !"

"Not you sillies ! He hopefuly won't kill me. But I know you would get in trouble for it so I'mma do it."

"Suuure. Welp good luck ! I'mma go cook something for the young master !" As I left I wondered, where did that girl come from and how did she get inside our garden....

Sakura's POV

"Alright, let's do this !"As me and Mey-Rin approached the door I told her,

"Okay so here's the plan, I go in get the clothes and we run to a guest room or something."


As soon as I entered the room I rushed to the dresser. I had that feeling you usually have when you steal your phone from your parents or going out at night or after your curfew. As I felt a small rush of adrenaline I grabbed a tailcoat, vest, a button-up shirt and pants. I immediately ran out of the room, grabbed Mey-Rin's hand and ran from that corridor.

As I got changed in a guest room I wondered HOW IN THE FLIPIDY FUCK I GOT HERE. I mean, I ain't complainin' but still. When I finished and stepped out of the room we heard an explosion. As we rushed to the kitchen to see what happened the front door opened and there stood.......

Holy cow that took a while ! Sorry for not updating sooner! I was kinda busy with tests and the hellhole we call school. Sowy. Welp. I really hope you enjoyed ! See ya in the next chapter !!! 💜

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