The young master's fiancé

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    I expected to wake up from my alarm, which I didn't forget to set up. However, I woke up to light shining in my eyes and two hands shaking me.

"Ri, get up." I heard, probably Sebastian, say.

"Mornin' Sebastian. What time is it ?" I asked, groggily getting up.

"Good morning to you too. It's half past 5 in the morning." He replied. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Quick question. WHY ? WHAT DID I  DO ?"

"You did nothing wrong. I just have a lot to do. Please wake up the others once you finish getting ready."

"Ok. Ok. Have fun doing whatever you have to do." I replied nonchalantly. I was too tired to give a flying fuck.

"I'll keep that in mind." He exited the room, smirking. Bastard knew full well I am not a morning person. I mentioned it yesterday while we were talking.

    I quickly took a shower while singing 'The headless waltz'. Putting on my tailcoat and fixing my hair in a ponytail I dashed out of the room, not before turning off the alarm. How did that take me half an hour ?

    I stopped at Grell's room first. I didn't bother knocking, as I entered. Grell was sleeping soundly in her bed.

    I opened the curtains, hearing light groaning from Grell.

"Good morning, Grell."

"Morning." Was all she said as she got out of bed.

"You get ready, I'll wake up the others." I got out of the room before she could say anything else.

    Next was Mey's room. I did the same with her as I did with Grell. Do these people just not lock the doors ?

    The room Bard, Finny and Tanaka resided in was locked however. I quickly picked it and woke them up.

    After waking them up I headed towards the kitchen, making some pancakes, placing them on plates with some syrup and blueberries. I also made some coffee for myself and the special tea Tanaka drinks.

"What smells so good ?" I heard Bard ask as he and the others entered the kitchen.

"I made breakfast." Was all I said as I sat down waiting for the others to join me.

    They sat down and started eating, all of them complimenting my cooking.

    After our usual banter we finished eating. I just placed the dishes in the sink washing them while Grell helped me. Sebastian came in, ordering the trio to do their jobs, which were handed out to them.

    Me and Grell had to work together. We had to clean the floor in the main hall, polish the railing, clean the windows and trim the bushes.

    I nodded and left, Grell following me. We worked together to clean the floor and polish the railing, after I showed her the proper way to do so.

    We were about to get started on the windows, until Sebastian told us that he took care of them, and we should just trim the bushes.

    He also mentioned that him and Ciel were going to town in order to replace the cane Finny had broken yesterday.  Oh no. I remember what happens. Oh no. Anything but that. Lizzy is going to come over for a visit.

"CIEL !" I shouted after the duo, running as fast as I could.

"Yes, what is it ?"

"Listen. This isn't going to make sense now, but, WEAR THE FUCKING RING SHE GIVES YOU. I don't give a fuck that it's some family heirloom. You won't die without it on your hand for a day. So, for the love of fuck. WEAR THE RING."

Black Love. Sebastian X MyModern!OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum