Chapter Six

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Hiya lovely fans! I am super duper incredibly sorry for the late upload! The last few weeks have been hectic, excuses. I should have uploaded sooner! Hope that this chapter makes up for it :) Happy Reading! ♥

P.S. I added a line at the end of last chapter and it is this: When I heard the front door shut, I revved up the engine and drove down the street, passing the shuttered and broken houses.

There was one more stop that I needed to make before I went back to the castle.

♥ Hope it's not in the least bit confusing....Happy Reading Everyone! :) 

Please remember to VOTE, COMMENT, and/or FAN to show your support for this story :) 

xxx addy

Chapter Six

• Gwen •

When Gabriel materialized with the truck in front of the castle grounds he found Calder and Kimberly perched on the grand stair case leading up to the hauntingly beautiful castle. Cal and Kim rose as Gabriel unloaded two boxes from the truck, asking him what they contained.

He didn’t answer. His eyes were deadly set in fierce determination as he brushed past his best friend. Kimberly’s brows creased in concern as she watched Gabriel walk up the stairs and disappear into the castle with Calder trailing behind.

I looked back at Kimberly and watched as she began to walk towards the back of the castle where the garden laid, her body language indicating that she worried over Gabriel’s brusque demeanor and needed to take a stroll to think. She disappeared around the corner where the tops of flowers bloomed with life as spring approached with every passing day.

A deep longing stirred within the recesses of my heart as the smell of roses and irises filled the air around me. Their poignant aroma reminded me of long summer days, lounging out under the radiant sun by the park where beautiful bushels of flowers were planted. My mom would always pester me into wearing sunscreen before I left the house; knowing full well that I was going out to lie out in the summer sun. I took a step towards the direction of the garden, but halted in my steps instantly.

My desire quickly faded as Gabriel’s anxiety washed over me in massive perpetual waves. I took a deep calming breath, concentrating every fiber of my being towards him; sending soothing warmth to engulf his mind like the sun radiantly shining in the sky. I knew why he was worried, and I only hoped that I would be able to be there for him as I had been in the past.

Without giving it another thought, I manifested inside of Gabe’s room as him and Cal walked in, hurriedly closing the door behind him. They didn’t see me; no one could see me except Lydia, but I never once gave her an opportunity to fully look upon my face. Anytime she walked into a room I quickly disappeared or projected the heavenly radiant light tenfold to cover my body. If Lydia ever came to recognize me…

Well, it was a thought that I did not wish to come true.

It would no doubt cause a rift in everything Gabriel has accomplished throughout the years. Opening up old wounds was something that I did not wish to occur. But it was exactly what would happen with what he found at his family’s house earlier today.

“Will you slow down,” Calder said. His voice was twined with exasperation. “I’m not following.”

“The truth had been hidden in my house…all these years.” He set the boxes down on the bed and ran a hand through his dark hair. His eyes were lost in a swirl of blues and greens as the feeling of remorse coursed through the bond.

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