Chapter Twelve

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Part Two: The Cause of Darkness

“The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but the one who causes the darkness.”

-Victor Hugo

Chapter Twelve

• Gabriel •


Sharp. Loud. Indistinguishable.

The quiet haze in my mind was soon distorted by the remnants of a low beating drum at the back of my head. I groaned; my senses heightening as I slowly crawled back into consciousness. I heard my name like a whisper carried in the wind. It was faint. Familiar.

I tried to sit up, but to no avail. Just the effort to move caused a newfound piercing to ring through my skull like a thousand small needles, jabbing endlessly until I was at the brink of darkness once more. The faint bitter taste of metal lingered on my tongue as I swallowed – the only motion I could do without feeling like my body was made of lead.

I didn’t recall getting hit – so where had the blood come from? Was it mine? Was it someone else’s? Panic blossomed in my stomach. The rising thud thud of my heart reverberated along the crevice of my ears.  Why did I feel paralyzed? How long had I been…?

The soft caress of a hand put a stop to the fleeting thoughts in my mind, pulling me toward the surface where I could breathe again. A hushed voice followed after. Fingers brushed back the matted hair on my forehead, while the same soft pleading voice said, “Gabriel, please. Please, wake up. Gabe.” I forced my eyes to open, bright lights momentarily blinding me. I blinked several times, willing my vision to focus on the muddled face that hovered above mine.

“Andy,” I breathed out.

She let out a relieved a sigh, her brown eyes softening. The set worried line on her mouth curved into a small smile. I felt her hand grasp mine, giving it a little squeeze. That small gesture was the only thing I could feel as my body slowly began to register my surroundings. Andy lifted her eyes from mine; staring across the room, her hold on my hand tightening.

“He’s awake!”

I winced as I tried to sit up, a searing sharp pain shooting up my spine. Andy wrapped an arm around my waist, propping me upright against her as carefully as she could manage. I heard footsteps approaching, the sound echoing along the walls of the chamber. Faces appeared in front of me, blurring together until my eyes focused on each one in order from left to right.

Lydia. Dad. Lucas. Kimberly. Nole. Beth. Mom.


I leaned forward, grasping her hand in mine. Kimberly snatched her hand away and lunged forward. I cringed as pain shot up my side. Andy let go of me as Kim’s arms wound around my neck.

“I’m sorry, Kimberly. I’m sorry I couldn’t…”

She shook her head, tightening her hold on me. I held her, afraid that we would both break as everything that had happened hours before came flooding back into the recesses of my mind. Her heart wrenching sobs caused my chest to constrict tenfold. The pain of losing Cal was far worse than the throbbing ache in my body. It was a dull tremor compared to the anguish and guilt that I felt rooted deeply in my chest.

He’s not lost. There’s still hope.

I closed my eyes, feeling the familiar warmth of Haven’s presence. When I opened my eyes I found Lydia starring at a spot to my right, knowing that Haven was here. Delicately I unwound my arms from Kimberly’s small frame, noting that her dress was torn and ruined with dry blood.

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