Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


It was half past two when Gabriel showed me around the castle. He smelled like richly poured cinnamon and firewood as he walked beside me, telling me about the history of the Castello di Tempo. His hair was wet and stuck out in all angles that made him look relaxed and carefree like there was nothing else in the world he’d rather be doing.

He had built a perfectly composed façade.

There was something about Gabriel Montehue – something that intrigued me in the way that a deer is fascinated with its reflection on the water’s surface. One look at this man in front of me was enough to know that he was drowning in guilt. I wondered what he could possibly be guilty about. He was Gabriel Montehue – legendary Keeper who had led countless of raids and slayed more demons than anyone on record.

A man who was that honorable, passionate, and fearless didn’t deserve to be plagued with a remorse that was all consuming like a fire destroying the luscious and beautiful woods.


We both turned on our heels to see a girl with long honey blond hair running towards us, her steps echoing along the wooden floorboards. When she reached us the girl collided into Gabriel’s inviting arms. The moment was intimate and I see the genuine smile that graced his lips at her arrival. The girl was important to him and I wondered if she was more than just a friend.

“Kimberly it’s good to see you.” He pulled her away at arm’s length, clasping her shoulders endearingly. He smiled, his eyes shining brilliantly with mirth. “I doubt I’m the first to say this…anyways, congratulations on your engagement. It’s about time.”

 She laughed and playfully punched his arm. “You know the reason for the delay. But yes…it’s about damn time, right?”

His smile widened as he said, “Right. Have you thought of your maid of honor and…”

“Yes! I asked Beth if she would be my maid of honor…then Lily and Anna will be my bridesmaid’s. Then of course there are you, Nole, and Lucas as the best men.”

Ah. So this was Kimberly Amato – bride to be to Calder Montgomery. The two of them were exceptionally known Keepers for their fearless and deadly fighting skills. Calder was a courageous warrior even before he became a pledged Keeper. Gabriel and Calder were a deadly duo back in those early days before the war. They still were, but the Council had long ago separated the two Keepers. It was no secret that the two were unstoppable, but they accomplished so much more when they were apart.

That’s what the world needed.

Being a Keeper meant sacrificing one’s desires for the good of the universe. It was something that Kimberly and Calder both knew. They had been together since the beginning of this war. Their story was known throughout the Councils, speaking of a love that was irrevocably strong and undeniable – lasting throughout the ages. There was no doubt in my mind that it was true.

I didn’t know Kimberly personally, but as she stood right in front of me talking to Gabriel I saw her aura radiating with pure fervor and bravery. I wondered what Calder would be like. Would he radiate the same nature she did or would it be different?

 My father once told me when I was a little girl that love was like a puzzle – there were two people, two parts of a whole, completing each other like puzzle pieces that fit perfecting to create a beautiful image. It was a love that I admired and longed to have.

I sometimes would even wish to meet my true love one day.

“Oh, Kim-” There was a brief moment of silence and I looked up to see Gabriel’s warm green-blue eyes on me. He smiled bashfully and said, “Forgive me for my poor manners. Andy this is Kimberly.”

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