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01|| Kelly

DYLAN HUFFED IN ANNOYANCE as he opened the door to the small local where he originally was supposed to meet up with Tyler. But as a consequence of Tyler cancelling his best friend only two minutes prior, Dylan entered alone and was just planning on getting some hot chocolate before he would drive back to his penthouse.

"Dylan O'brien?" the young actor turned around only to see a face he hadn't seen since High School. "Adam Fischer?" The two man engulfed each other in a tight hug and were both equally surprised to see each other again. For a moment Dylan forgot that a fan could spot him every minute and just took the time,to look at his old friend.

"What are you doing here? And where's Sara? Are you two still a thing?" Dylan couldn't stop the smile that was spreading across his face,when he thought back to his High School years. Adam Fischer and Sara Langford were the Brangelina of his school and everyone kinda assumed that these two would marry each other and have their happily ever after. "Nah, we both wanted different things in life so we broke up and she moved to Germany after we graduated. Haven't heard from her since." Adam just shrugged, not really caring about the old times. He had moved on a long time ago and if it weren't for Sara moving to Germany, he probably wouldn't be as happy as he was now. Life was good as it was right now and he wouldn't change it for the world. Not even for Sara Langford.

Dylan tried to cover up how shocked he was,but he failed miserably. Quite amusing considering he's a well known actor. Silence fell over them; Dylan didnt know what to say and Adam was occupied by texting someone with a small smile on his face. For Dylan, the silence was extremely uncomfortable. He coughed a few times trying to make the athmospere a bit less awkward, but made it only worse instead.

Adam on the other hand didn't really care about the silence. He wouldn't have been able to listen to Dylan anyway, thus to him being concentrated on texting someone of high value for him.

"So uhm...are you here to meet someone?" Dylan awkwardly shifted on his feet and took a quick glance behind his shoulder to see that he was next in line. So before Adam could answer, Dylan quickly ordered a hot chocolate ,right after making sure that his cap was still in place and turned back to Adam who ordered next. They both got their drinks and even though Dylan just wanted to quickly stop by he decided to talk a little bit longer to Adam. "So...who are you waiting for again?" Dylan took a short sip of his drink, burned his tongue in the process and shouted profanities in his head, all while smiling at Adam who had a dreamy look in his eyes. " My girlfriend. She should be here any minute, you wanna meet her?"

Adam glanced at the door before setting his gaze on Dylan again who just nodded . The two men stepped aside and took a seat at one of the small tables in the back. It was silent again, but not for long due to the door opening which let the sound of a bell echo throughout the room and led Dylan to glace over his shoulder to look at the person who just entered.

His breath hitched a little when his eyes focused on the beautiful woman who smiled widely in his direction. He didnt know why she smiled at him,but she was stunning and Dylan couldn't help but to smile back and watch her every step. Her long hair swiped with every step she took and the closer she came the better could Dylan look at her pretty face. But what confused him, was that she was walking over to him and opened her arms wide,just like you would when you want a person to hug you.

Dylan was close to just stand up and hug the beautiful woman and if it wasn't for Adam who beat him to it, he would've totally done it. Adam stood up and in a matter of seconds, the young woman was in his arms.

When they broke apart, both of them had wide smiles gracing their lips and Adam held her close to him. Out of instinct Dylan stood up as well and used the time to muster the unknown woman up close. He couldn't help but smile.

"Dylan meet my girlfriend, Kelly. Kelly that's Dylan, we went to High school together. " The two slowly shook each other's hand, both having a small smile on their face.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

Even though he didn't plan to at first, Dylan spent the rest of the afternoon with Adam and Kelly. The two were a sweet couple and it was pretty obvious how much Adam adored her. It was a nice day and Dylan enjoyed spending time with them, but during the day he caught himself staring at Kelly a little to long.

He tried to act normal, to keep his cool, but when he arrived at his penthouse, there was this little thought that wouldn't leave his mind;

She really was beautiful.

Taken || Dylan o'brien✔Where stories live. Discover now