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26|| lost chances

26|| lost chances

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IT WAS A GOOD DAY. It really was.
Tyler threw a little barbecue only with the closest cast members and surprisingly even Kelly was invited.

There weren't any differences between the guests and everyone got along quite well, even though it didn't seem like it at first.

Kelly was one of the last guests to arrive and no one,besides Dylan and the few people who had already met her, knew really how to act around her. Most weren't so sure what to think of her and her somewhat relationship with Dylan. They didn't necessarily thought anything bad about her, but they were still cautious around her. That however changed after a few drinks and after everyone got used to her being there. Once the ice was broken, the awkwardness was long forgotten.

It was actually in the late evening hours when the remaining guests, including Dylan and Kelly, were sitting around one of the small tables Tyler had set up earlier.

Kelly was perched upon Dylan's lap and despite the various glances that were thrown their way, she wasn't afraid to snuggle deeper into his warm embrace. She could feel Dylan's hot breath fanning against her neck and a faint giggle slipped from her lips.

"What's so funny?" His quiet voice reached her ear from behind her and she turned her head to look at his face. There was a hidden light in her eyes when she took him in, in all his glory and it seemed that only Dylan was the one to bring that light to shine. "Your breath. It tickles." She smiled and he smiled back.

The group of friends was engaged in a couple light conversations, nothing too deep but full of absurd topics and playful fights. Hours passed and they were still sitting in Tyler's backyard, when the clock hit almost two a.m.

A yawn escaped Kelly's rosy lips and Dylan rose an eyebrow at her "You tired?". He watched as she adorably rubbed her eyes and let another yawn escape her lips.

"I guess I should drive home,before I'm too tired." She stood up from Dylan's lap and everyone stopped their conversation to look at her. Tyler stood up from his seat at the table and made his way over to her.

"Thank you for inviting me,Ty. This was definitely better than eating junk food all by myself." They embraced each other and Tyler chuckled a bit at her remark. After they let go and Kelly said goodbye to everyone else, Dylan arose from his seat.

"You leaving, man?" Tyler asked as he saw Dylan leaving in the direction of the backdoor with Kelly. "Nah I'm just walking her to her car. Be right back." He placed his hands on her lower back and before any of the cast members could reply, the two of them were already turning around and walking out of the small backyard.

The walk to her car was short,thus to her parking right in front of Tyler's front door. When they reached the car, Kelly opened it and put her bag in it, but instead of getting in herself she enveloped Dylan in a tight hug.

It was quiet no words were exchanged and instead of letting go of each other, they just stood there gazing in each other's eyes and basking in the comfort the significant other brought them. It was moments like these, which brought Dylan to nearly lose his control.

Their faces were dangerously close and it didn't take a genius to figure out what was bound to happen. Kelly was the one to lean in and Dylan was desperate to finally feel her lips on his, but as much as he wanted this to happen, this wasn't like him.

So he stopped it before it could happen. "I don't want to be the guy who kissed someone's girlfriend ",his voice was nothing more than a whisper, but their close proximity allowed Kelly to understand each word clearly. A sad smile fell upon both their faces and Dylan took a small step back, to bring a little distance between them.

"I understand." Kelly's hands fell to her side and her gaze shifted to the ground for mere seconds, before she lifted her head again and looked straight into his eyes.

A small uneasiness fell over them, but then he smiled. And she smiled right back.


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