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It's not just what I feel for you

It's what I do not feel for anyone
but you

IT WAS ONE of those blissfully unexpected moments

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IT WAS ONE of those blissfully unexpected moments. One of those moments where you're not expecting much, but get so much more than you could ever dream of.

Dylan was no stranger to these kind of moments. He had such a moment when he was told that he had gotten the role of Stiles. He had such a moment when he met Tyler and the rest of the teen wolf cast for the first time. He had such a moment when he walked Kelly home for the first time.

He had such a moment right now.

Her quiet steps weren't more than a faint sound in his spacious penthouse, but he was still able to pick up on it. She was humming a song she had stuck in her head and the soft melodie, brought a content smile to his left.

He was already in his kitchen, when she walked through the door. Her hair was a mess and she wore one of his shirts instead of the clothes she arrived in the night prior. She didn't look like she just came straight out of a photo shoot, but still Dylan thought she was as beautiful as ever. The light hues of the early sunlight fell through the open windows and it was in that moment that a huge smile took place on her face.

She truly looked like an angel in Dylan's eyes.

" Good Morning  ",her delicate arms wrapped around his neck and the closeness of her body, sent shivers down his spine. Her full lips met his lips in a quick kiss and his heart beat quickened.

Her breath didn't smell like fresh mint. Her skin wasn't unnaturally clear. Her hair was a mess. Her clothes crinkled and she had still a bit of her make-up from last night on her face.

She wasn't at her best and here he was;  still mesmerized by her undying beauty and put into a spell by the feeling of her soft delicate touch.

Dylan's eyes watched her as she prepared herself a cup of tea, before she took a seat on the kitchen counter in front of him. He had seen her in that position so many times over the last few months and yet he never felt the way he felt right now.

She was just sitting there, sipping her tea and blessing him with a small smile whenever she would look into his direction and yet he couldn't stop staring at her. He didn't know what made this time so much different from all the other times ,but he felt it in every pore in his body and it was a wonderful feeling. Their eyes met each other yet again and there weren't any fireworks or a rollercoaster in Dylan's stomach- there was just a warm,welcoming feeling bubbling in the depths of his being.

It wasn't extraordinary, but it felt like home. Her eyes felt like home.

"I love you ",he said it.

This was the first time either of them had said it and to Dylan it felt like those three words weren't enough to show Kelly what he truly felt for her. He didn't just simply love her. The feelings he held for her were so much more than just love and he promised himself a while ago that he would spent the rest of his life, showing her every day just how much she meant to him.

He adored her with every fiber in his body, every thought in his mind and every dream he ever had since he met her. It was a miracle that he finally found her and he would be an idiot to not appreciate her like she deserved to be.

Dylan finally found the one he was looking for and there was nothing that could change that.



Just a sappy chapter for y'all to show you how much I appreciate you . We just reached 13,7k reads and I'm just overwhelmed that so many people read this book :') I hope everyone enjoyed Dylan and Kelly's story and is satisfied with it's ending ♡  There won't be any more bonus chapters on this book, but you're welcome to check out my other book 'Target' :)

Let me know what you think of this book now that it's completely over with and don't forget to vote and comment- feedback is much appreciated! :D

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