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19||the trials

Tarzan💇Yo Kelly- you got a minute?

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Yo Kelly-
you got a minute?

Sure anytime

Do you still have
feelings for Adam?

Where's that
coming from?

Because I know you
I saw the way you act around
Dylan and I know that you don't act like that with Adam.
Maybe at the start of your relationship but nowadays I can't even remember the last time I heard you say that you love him.
So answer my question:
Do you or do you not still have feelings for Adam?

Can I be honest with you?

That's kind of the reason why I'm your best friend, but go on

I do not have feelings for Adam.
And before you say anything
it's not just because of Dylan.
I actually thought about this for a while now.
At first I really loved Adam-
hell I thought he was the one.
He was just so sweet and everything- and he still is but I don't think
it's him I love anymore. It's just the way he treats me that I love, you know?
There was a time where I loved him, but that time passed away and
the only thing left is the way he makes me feel like I'm his everything and I fucking love that.
God, I sound like a total bitch,don't I?

You do.
What about Dylan?
Are you just using him too?

I'm not using either of them!
And Dylan's something different.

You are, but explain

I have feelings for Dylan.
He doesn't just make me feel like something special,but I feel like I can be everything I want to be with him.
I could talk to him for hours and he's just there. We don't even need to talk to each other- being next to him is enough to make me feel at peace.
It's kind of like it used to be with Adam ,but much more intense

Then why are you still
with Adam?
That's not fair and you know it

I know
And I feel so bad about it, but I'm not ready to give him up, ok?
I don't know if the feelings for Adam may come back someday and I don't want to lose what we have just because of a silly celebrity crush.
I don't even know if Dylan has feelings for me.

So just bc you don't want to be alone you're playing with both of their hearts?

I'm not playing with their hearts.
It's not like I'm cheating on
Adam with Dylan.

Listen here you beautiful specimen, I'm about to fuck you up with some truth:
What you're doing right now is not fair. Not to you, not to Dylan and especially not to Adam.
I know that this wasn't your intention, but right now you're acting like a total bitch. Sorry if that hurt but someone needed to say this to you-
you're a bitch. If you don't feel anything for Adam then goddammit break up with him already! Adam's my friend too and he doesn't deserve this.
And before you say anything about me being on Adam's side:
I'm on nobody's side. But you're also my best friend and I don't want my best friend to be in a relationship that doesn't make her happy.

So What? You saying I should dump Adam and jump into Dylan's arms the next moment I see him?

No. I mean yes- break up with Adam.
But maybe it's time for you to be single for a while.
Look, Dylan seemed liked a nice lad but I don't know if you really want him or if you were just looking for something in him that Adam couldn't give you anymore.
I want you to be 110% sure that your feelings for Dylan are true before you start a relationship with him.

But I know that already.

Give it some time Kelly.
Spend time with him without another man in your life and see if you still want him then.

I'll think about it.
Maybe my feelings for Adam aren't completely gone?

Are you kidding me?
You're holding on to something that doesn't exist.

I'm willing to give us one more chance
If I don't feel anything, then I'm breaking up with him

Tarzan 💇
Pinky promise?

Pinky promise.

I kinda don't know what to do next, but oh well.
Oh and if you were wondering who Tarzan is- it's Avan. In one if the earlier chapters Kelly called him Tarzan bc of his long hair and being the uncreative/ lazy ass that I am, I thought this could be her contact name for him

 In one if the earlier chapters Kelly called him Tarzan bc of his long hair and being the uncreative/ lazy ass that I am, I thought this could be her contact name for him

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C U next chapter 🍀

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