Chapter 2- Lies [EDITTED]

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I STARE AT HIS FIGURE FOR A MOMENT. I am completely baffled by this situation, but I can’t help but realize how perfect he looks today. His sun-kissed skin appears to be even darker in my dim desk light, and his naturally highlighted blonde hair is slicked into a foehawk. Keep in mind, I am looking at his backside. On the front he looks breathtaking- straight white teeth, with bluish gray eyes. Only one question was boggling through my mind: why is he up here? Isn't he supposed to be at practice? I was both confused and really shocked. His careful eyes look down at my picture like he was studying it- looking for an answer or maybe looking at his destiny. I let out a small laugh at how melodramatic I am, and swiftly cover my mouth.

He turns around and looks down at me. He's known for being tall, 6'8" to be exact. Due to being exceedingly tall, his muscle mass is unbelievable, giving him a nice angular figure. His cheeks turn rosy pink, which in turn make mine beet-red. 

"Oh, uh. . . Sorry, I was just looking for the bathroom, Hun." he says awkwardly, still being able to manage flashing me a dazzling smile. First of all, did he just call me Hun? And second, the bathroom is the easiest room to point out, since it is at the top of the stairs and my dad always has a habit of leaving the door open. I'm not sure, but I have this anomalous gut feeling he might be lying for whatever reason. . . Or maybe I am just trying to flatter myself.

I stare at him- clearly hypnotized- and finally get the words out, "It's right in front of the stairs, Jacob."

He smiles and gently pats me on the back for a little longer than expected, "Thanks. See you in school tomorrow. . . Oh, and by the way, call me Jake." 

"See you around, Jake." I respond with an embarrassing accidental giggle. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and it is completely noticeable of how red my nose and cheeks are. 

My whole body is on fire, like a spark has just been set off inside of me. My body feels weightless, when and after he touched me. I have to consider this whole situation for a moment. Logically speaking, it is quite possible he was oblivious enough to miss the bathroom and miraculously make his way into my room. The possibility of that is slim though, considering he would have to be blind to not see the bathroom directly at the top of the steps. Judging by the way he was viewing my picture, he is unquestionably not sightless.

Why would he want to come into my room, anyways? Perhaps he is curious about my sexuality, just as everyone else is. Maybe he was just looking for evidence to prove his suspicion. None of it made sense. Jacob- or Jake- does not seem like the type of person that snoops for answers. Looking at a picture of me does not help much on deciding my sexuality either. . . I could sense my subconscious mind trying to shut my thought process down. I want to believe that he was in here for other reasons than just ‘looking for the bathroom that happened to be at the top of the steps’, but what if I am setting myself up for disaster? I always do.

I climb straight into the shower- about the only place on this earth that comforts me. 

I sit on the floor, letting the hot water hit my chest as I think. What are the possibilities? Can he have a crush on me? As I remembered the conclusion I came to today at lunch, the obvious answer is a big fat no. If that is the case, what exactly was he doing? Possibly he was trying to dig for personal information to tell the whole school I'm gay, but he doesn’t seem that heartless. Luckily, I keep things like that hidden, just in case my parents do some nosy snooping.

I come to my senses and end the thoughts completely. If I don't, it will eat at me. I was born with an uncanny curiosity that never diminishes. Knowing myself, this isn't going to change anything. My mind has always had a habit of wandering back to thoughts that were supposed to be forgotten.

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