Chapter 11- Corruption [EDITTED]

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Chapter 11

The sherbet, mid-afternoon sunlight illuminated the room an immaculate orange. The rectangular window in front of me boasted springtime sounds of the neighbourhood children playing in their driveways and of gardeners cutting grass in perfectly manicured patterns. The birds were commencing their yearly migration back to our area, and the animals were emerging from their everlasting, winter nap. The scene was archetypally paradisiac. There were no cries to be heard, no sadness to be felt. But the happiness associated with the warmth of the sun could not compare to the tundra of melancholy that chilled my soul. 

I studied my surroundings, struggling to think about anything but why I was here in the first place. The whur of a portable fan softly hummed, filling the office with  white noise. The room itself was claustrophobically minute, stuffed with two filing cabinets, a grand dark-oak desk, and double faux-leather chairs. 

"I'm terribly sorry that this has happened to you, Eric." a soothing woman's voice begins from behind the desk. 

It was our high school principle, Mrs. Linda DeMuth. To greater of the student population, she was just as wicked as any witch, but to me, she was one of the most tenderhearted people I have ever met. She wasn't intimidating in her appearance. Her figure was plump and stalk, with a round face and pursed lips. Her dirty blonde hair appeared wearisome in the tight 1960s up-do that I've never seen her take down. She resembled more of an elementary school teacher or a librarian than a high school principle. But for my entire high school career, she was by my side and supportive of me unlike the other school staff. 

I nod mechanically and murmur, "It was not your doing that got me into this mess. It was mine." Or at least it felt like it was my fault. 

Her thin lips turned into a frown. "We both know that this wasn't your fault, Eric. You were just following what your heart wanted." She shuffles the papers on her desk nervously.

"I should have acknowledged that I have an artless heart. I believe what I want to be true and reject reality." I say, squeezing my eyes shut to prevent tears. 

There is a long pause before she speaks again, "I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to apprehend whomever did this to you- whether it was Jacob or not. I'm even trying to convince the school board to give me permission to expel them." 

But she cannot expel the fact that it happened. I felt a twinge of guilt for a second, for seeming so unappreciative of her help. Instead of responding, I nod my head slowly. 

"Earl from maintenance is bringing over the security tapes of the surveillance video between Thursday night and yesterday morning." she continues, gesturing to the clunky 1990s Zenith television on a rolling cart. It was catty-cornered behind me, sitting about two feet away from my chair. "I figured we could review the tape together, to see if you recognize anyone you know."

Just as she finishes her sentence, there is a loud knock on the door directly behind me. Earl lets himself in, careful to duck his tall body under the door frame. Without a word, he walks to the television, presses the power button, and inserts the reflective disc into the built-in DVD player. 

A royale blue image flashes onto the screen for a few seconds, and then a familiar dark setting. The day is Thursday- two days ago- and the time is approximately 1 AM. The musty, somber east wing hallway of our school appears empty. No movement. No sound. For a second, I think I see a shadow pass, but it's clearly the clouds passing in front of the moon. The tape is sped up three hours ahead- nothing. . .- when suddenly the tape cuts out into blackness. 

I stare at the screen in confusion, and before I could speak, the tape resumes playing around 6 AM. Posters plastered with my face cover every single area of blank space. All three of our mouths drop open in unison. 

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