Holiday Spirit| Tom & Ava

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First one!

This could potentially end up in my actual story She Saved Me sometime in the future..😁

Listen: My Love is Always There from the HP and the Deathly Hallows soundtrack

Lights were twinkling, filling the house with a warm glow. The sound of soft festive music filled the air and created a light atmosphere. The scent of spices wafted and overtook everyone's senses.

Laughter could be heard coming from the kitchen along with the occasional singing. The house's residents were feeling joyful and optimistic with the time of celebrating. All except one, who was found standing in front of the tree.

Tom Riddle was standing with his hands in his pockets, placed in front of the bright tree. It was simply but eloquently decorated with soft lights and glass ornaments. On top was a brilliant star that seemed to twinkle on it's own. He was studying each of the ornaments that decorated the branches when someone else approached.

"You know you should be more than comfortable around us by now."

Tom half turned to look at Ava. He shrugged slightly, "I should. This doesn't feel..normal to me yet."

Ava nodded with an ah of understanding. She moved to where Tom was situated and stood next to him, lightly brushing shoulders with him. He bumped her with his.

Letting out a quiet laugh that caused Toms lips to twitch up at the corners, Ava crossed her arms loosely. "Alright I'll bite. What's on your mind?"

"It's nothing to worry about."

Ava gave him an unimpressed look, raising an eyebrow. "Oh come on, you're being a grump." She smiled when he scowled at her. "Where's your Christmas cheer, your holiday spirit?"

Tom sighed, "you're horribly stubborn, you know." He rolled his eyes when she only gave him a sweet smile. "Fine. Even though your family has readily accepted me, I still feel out of place."

"I know I am, so are you." Ava said to his first statement. Letting out a sad sigh, she turned her body to face Tom. "You shouldn't feel so out of place. We love having you here, I love having you here."

Tom studied her face looking for any trace of a lie. When he found nothing but truth he smiled, his eyes softening. He reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Thank you," he said whispering so only she could hear.

Dropping his hand back to his side, Tom swallowed at seeing her expression. She was giving him that adoring look that never failed to make his heart beat faster. He truly smiled.

"No need to thank me." She reached down and grabbed his hand, giving it a light squeeze. "I mean it. I really do."

Tom looked down at their hands and completely entwined them together. He couldn't help but marvel at how her hand felt in his, how small it was. He lightly tugged her hand, drawing her closer to him. He grabbed the other.

"I've never experienced a real Christmas before now. I guess it's not so bad this time." Tom gave both her hands a gentle squeeze.

"You guess?" Ava giggled. "Just wait for tomorrow. It is only Christmas Eve after all." She swung their hands.

"That is true," Tom breathed a laugh. He let out a lengthy sigh and tugged her closer again. Once she was close enough Tom dropped one of her hands and wrapped it around her waist.

Ava smiled at him and placed her free hand on his arm. "Maybe we can find your holiday spirit then," she bit her lip looking down, "or tonight."

Tom's eyebrows shot up at that. He smirked when she looked back at him. "Now, I thought we had agreed that.."

Ava threw her head back and laughed. "I know. I'm teasing you."

Tom shook his head at her. "You little minx," he said giving her side a squeeze.

Ava squeaked, the tickling sensation causing her to jump forward. She bumped into Tom and placed her hand on his chest to stop herself. She blushed at her reaction and when she tried pulling away, Tom held her still.

She gave him a questioning look when he didn't let go. His other hand was now placed on her hip. "Tom?"

His expression didn't change nor did he move an inch, "just stay here."

Ava's face was still warm and she couldn't talk above a soft whisper. "What is it?"

Tom looked into her eyes, lost for a moment. He blinked a few times then loosened his grip to allow some space between them. "I.." he stopped, not able to get anything out. "It's nothing, never mind."

"You sure?"

Flashing her a smile that he hoped appeared reassuring, Tom slid his hand down her arm to hold hers again. "Yes."

Ava pursed her lips but didn't say anything about it. "Alright, well I think my mum made hot cocoa. Let's go get some before my sister drinks it all."

"Sounds perfect."

Before leaving, Ava reached up and kissed Tom's cheek. "Merry Christmas Tom."

"Merry Christmas luv"

With that, Ava pulled Tom to the kitchen. The rest of the night was spent with light conversation and cups of hot chocolate. The atmosphere had brightened up even more, leaving hopeful thoughts for the next day.

AN: so here's a little Christmas gift to you all. Just so you know, this does take place a lot farther into the actual story I'm writing.

Merry Christmas!

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