Obsidian & Saphire| Severus & Lucia

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Lucia sighed as she breathed in the fresh air and felt the cool breeze against her face. She enjoyed these quiet moments when she could take in the peaceful sounds of the country side. It certainly was a nice change from the dreary streets of Spinners End. Moving here after she became pregnant was the right decision. And she especially knew her husband appreciated the change. It was a fresh start for them all.

Closing her eyes, she let her head tilt to the side as she relaxed further. There were only a few moments during the day when Lucia could take time to herself. Toddlers take a lot of energy on their own, but being an older mother didn't make anything easier. Now that she was expecting again, things were only going to get crazier in their cozy little home. A few seconds later she heard the unmistakable chatter from her daughter. She felt a sigh leave her mouth once realizing her moment of peace was gone. But as she slipped back inside to see her little girl, she smiled.

She kneeled in front of the couch where her daughter was rubbing her eyes. When she noticed her mother, she gave an excited smile. Lucia laughed softly at that. She reached a hand out to fix the girl's messy hair. It was wavy and a deep brown, the perfect mix between herself and Severus. Lucia leaned back and admired her daughters eyes that were as nearly dark as her fathers.

Lucia smiled again as the girl sat up and yawned. "Did you have a good nap sweetie?" At her nod, Lucia stood up from her crouched position. "I think it's time for a snack. What do you think Rosalie?"

Rose nodded enthusiastically at her mothers suggestion. "I want a snack."

"Then let's find something," Lucia said while chuckling. She carefully picked up the girl and placed her against her hip, mindful of the bump of her stomach. Once in the kitchen, she placed the girl on the counter. She poked Rose's nose, earning a giggle in response. "Don't tell daddy I let you sit here."

Rose nodded with big eyes. "I won't tell."

Lucia laughed and turned to look through the pantry for something light. It was only mid afternoon and she didn't want to give her daughter too much before dinner in a few short hours. She quickly fished out animal-shaped crackers knowing they usually did the trick. A few minutes later, the small girl was happily munching away on the crackers and swinging her legs gently in content. Lucia was busying herself by putting away clean dishes from the previous night, occasionally sneaking one of the crackers for herself.

After snack time was over, Lucia and Rosalie returned back to the sitting room. Lucia attempted to read with her at first, but her daughter was more interested in playing with her dolls. So instead she sat on the floor and watched her daughter act out her own little story with the dolls, even playing the part of one by request from time to time. It wasn't long after that when they heard the distinct crack of Severus returning home.

Lucia looked up to the front door just as Severus stepped through. She flashed him a smile in greeting, but didn't have the chance to say anything as their daughter noticed him. The three-year-old abandoned her dolls and launched herself at her father. He chuckled deeply as he picked her up. He held her close with his eyes closed, taking in the moment as she hugged him tightly.

Severus loosened his grip when he felt the girl pull back. He gave her a soft look, "now this is quite a homecoming. I was gone for just a few hours, you missed me that much?" He chuckled again when the girl nodded her head and placed a gentle kiss on her head. It wasn't long after that when she wiggled to get out of his hold. He sighed and placed her down so she could go back to her toys. Shaking his head in amusement, he moved to sit next to Lucia.

Before he got too far, Lucia held out a hand to get help up. She couldn't handle sitting on the hard floor for too long. He was quick to hoist her up so they could sit on the couch. They sat together in silence as they watched their daughter play. Lucia relaxed into his side once he placed his arm around her, his hand lazily trailing back and forth on her shoulder. She absentmindedly rubbed her stomach, which drew Severus' attention. He gently placed his hand next to hers and shifted closer. She was only a few months along with traces of movement from the baby so far. But they knew before long there would be constant moving.

"You never gave me an answer," Lucia said quietly to him.

Severus raised an eyebrow, "about what?"

Lucia moved her hand up to rest it on his. She looked at him with a hint of amusement. "About finding out what baby number two is. We knew ahead of time with Rose, but what about this one?"

"Ah," Severus said in realization. They had been going over that little topic for the last month. Neither of them truly cared what they had, as long as the child is healthy. "I believe I said you should decide that, not me."

Lucia moved away from him slightly and crossed her arms. "It's your child too."

Severus closed his eyes frustrated. Oh how he hated to anger her when she was in this state. He had unfortunately been at the receiving end of her hormonal wrath multiple times, even in this second pregnancy. He should have known not to give such a simple answer after they've already discussed the issue before. 

"I want to decide soon so I know what to do for the nursery. You should understand that by now." Lucia attempted to hide her rising anger, but honestly didn't care if he noticed it.

Severus swallowed nervously and placed a placating hand on her crossed arms. He waited until she relaxed to pull her arms apart. He held both hands in his firmly and took a breath. Her unwavering stare did nothing to soothe him, and remained unyielding even as he placed tender kisses on her knuckles.

He sighed and let their hands rest on her legs. "You are right, I do know how much you desire to get that finished." He felt her body ease slightly at his words. "If you want to know what the baby is, then we will find out at your next appointment."

Lucia sat silently, not dropping her stare once. Finally, after assuring he suffered enough, she relented. She nodded then, "I think I do."

"Then it is settled," Severus said immediately. "In just two weeks, we will know the gender and then we can get that nursery finished."

Lucia smiled at him, truly appreciating his attempt at calming her. She leaned forward to place a hand against his cheek and gave him a quick kiss. "That sounds perfect."

As their eyes met, obsidian clashing with sapphire, they realized how little importance that held. Yes, it had been discussed too much before a decision was made. They both knew Lucia didn't really need to know what the baby was to decorate. But her stubbornness outshined her rationality when she was pregnant. Severus never complained. Not even when they were interrupted by their small child climbing onto the couch. Or when she promptly sat between them, refusing to not have their full attention. Instead, Severus just shared a look with Lucia and listened to her babbling about her day while he was gone.

This was just something to get me back into writing. Hope you like it!

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