Chapter 15: Christmas

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------1 year later------

"Mommy! Daddy!" Amberly yells as she and Shalom run into the room. "Wake up it's Christmas!" Amberly yells as she jumps on me and Maxon. I sit up and smile at my two angels, Maxon also sits up and smiles at me. "Why are you smiling at me?" "Because I love you" I smile and kiss him "I love you too". "Can we go see if Santa came!" Shalom asks. "I guess, I will be down in a minute, Maxon dear would you please bring then to the great room?" "Yes my dear". They leave and I go to the bathroom and freshen up. I go to the kitchens and and grab a tray of hot chocolate for my family and me.

"Look what I got!" I say as I walk in. "Hot chocolate!" Amberly and Shalom yell and quickly run over and grab a sippy cup of hot chocolate. I walk over to Maxon and he grabs a mug o his own. We watch the kids open their gifts and they immediately start playing with them. Amberly is coloring in one of her coloring books and Shalom is playing with some toy dinosaurs that he got. Maxon comes over with a box in his hands and hands it to me "oh honey you didn't have to get me anything!" "But I wanted to" I open the box and inside is a necklace with Amberly and Shalom's names on it. "Aw thank you Maxon, it's beautiful!" "Your welcome my dear, would you like me to put it on you?" I nod. I get tears in my eyes and start to cry. "oh why are you crying my dear?" "I just love you so much!" I give him a kiss and a maid comes in with some cinommon rolls, each of the kids grab one and Maxon grabs one an I grab two for myself. Then a maid comes in with a tray of strawberry tarts and I grab three. "You my dear aren't going to finish your dinner tonight" "why do you think that?" "Because you are going to be full!" He says laughing.

My maids get me ready for dinner. I'm wearing a light blue gown that fades into white with snowflakes going down. "It's absolutely beautiful girls!" "Thank you miss" Lucy says. I walk outside my door and Maxon is standing in a white suit with a tie that has the same color blue of my dress "you look beautiful my dear" "not to bad yourself" I respond. We walk to dinner hand in hand and when we walk in we see Amberly and Shalom in their high chairs next to my seat. Walk to my seat and Maxon pulls it out for me and I sit and he pushes it back in for me and he sits down. There is ham, turkey, chicken, every meat possible it looks like, mashed potatoes, corn and so much more. I grab all of everything and finish my meal "Ha! told you I was going to finish!" Maxon laughs "and I didn't even finish mine!" we both laugh. We go to our room and get ready for bed. I turn off our light and climb into bed. I snuggle up to Maxon and I give him a kiss. Maxon wraps his arms around me and I go to sleep to the even breaths of Maxon.


Hey guys Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! This is your guys's present from me which is a very long chapter for you to enjoy! Hope you guys had a good holiday! Bye guys!

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