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I sprint down the hallway, going so fast I want to laugh.

Uh, hello? I'm crazy, so I'm kinda odd-ballish. 

But... I was free! Never in my past year as a resident in this place have I ever considered escaping. I mean, it's what the old man says: You've been through enough for one lifetime, Robin. Don't try anything else stupid.

Like what? This?

I let out a whoop as I leaped forward and then back on the floor and ran. The hallway was strangely long. I pass more hallways and doors and windows and cells and people are yelling at me but I ignore them. I can finally escape.

Well, Damien sorta helped me. I mean, he didn't tell me, but I think he wanted to help me escape. I mean, what else was he doing in my cell anyway? Maybe he wanted to hang out before he got shipped off tomorrow.


Ugh. I didn't want for there to be a tomorrow.

You're probably thinking my life is perfect. I don't gotta go to school, I don't got no homework, and I don't have any annoying family around to pester me.

You're wrong.

I loved my old life. Sure, I was blind as a bat, quiet, gullible and smart, but at least I was happy. Normal.

Until the Lockdown.

Listen, if you haven't read my account of the Lockdown, I highly suggest you do. But here's a quick synopsis, while I'm sprinting down the hall.

It's a normal day at my high school. The intercom turns on, principal gets shot, bullets rain down on students, I'm all alone with my teacher till she gets shot. Power, internet and phones are down and then a shooter comes to kill me but knocks me out cold instead. I wake up in the library with all the bodies, see my best friend dead, go to the window, get shot, think my best friend saves my life but really it's that same shooter... The shooter (oh yeah, Kurt) tries to help me but later Damien tells me he was just acting. Dunno why. Then another shooter, Queb tells me I look like the girl Damien is looking for and then another survivor named Rylie Clover comes, tries to help me, Queb shoots her, I set off a bomb that kills the police officers finally coming in, Maurice gets all jealous of me and Damien, I shoot her after she shoots some random little boy, cops come in on Damien and I...

Well, I'm here now. A lot has happened, and a lot has changed. For the good, I hope. Anyway.

I finally reach the end of the all. It's like a T - there's a wall in front of me but I can go right or left.

I look to my left and see a door leading down some stairs.

It swings open and there's my dad.

Right it is. 

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