Chapter 1: Abnegation

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A/N: Hey there pansycakes ;) This is a new story, I wrote. I'm still on writer's block for the divergent high story, sorry about that but I promise to update soon. Until then, enjoy this new story and please feel free to comment some constructive feedback, vote etc. I would really appreciate it if you could as that would keep me motivated!

This is in Abnegation!

Tris's POV

I am now sitting by a tree drawing. I love drawing so much, even if I am Abnegation, I like to draw, and I know I shouldn't, but I am a girl who doesn't listen to rules very much.

I am 13 years old and I live with my parents Andrew and Natalie Prior. I have a brother named Caleb, and I go to school at the Hub. I don't really have any friends except Susan and Robert - who are my neighbours - but it's okay since I love going to my hiding spot to draw, which is where I am now.

My mother and I are really close. She understands me better than anyone does. She knows I draw and she knows I don't fit in here in Abnegation. Oh right, my name. Well, if anyone was wondering what my name is, it's Beatrice Prior, if you really don't care, well, I guess that's your problem.

In Abnegation everyone is selfless, which I can't be. Where I live, we have 5 different factions + 1, you could say. We have Amity - they are kind, then you have Candor - they are the people who tell the truth, then you have Erudite - they are the smart once, and I think Caleb will choose Erudite at his Choosing Ceremony, then there is Dauntless -they are the brave once. I want to be Dauntless. I want to be brave. My mom knows that, and I know that it's not normal to have that kind of relationship with your mother that I have, here in Abnegation, but we don't really care. She was Dauntless before Abnegation. She doesn't want me to leave, though, but she supports my idea.

Then we have the Faction Less, which is supposed to be the +1, they aren't really a faction, but if you don't belong in a faction, you go there. So it's like a mix of all faction.

She met my father at school when they were younger, and they both transferred to Abnegation at their Choosing Ceremony since they wanted to be together. You see, my father was Erudite, and I don't know what happened, but they just thought Abnegation was a safer place to stay, my mom and I talk about everything together, and I love that.

I guess everyone is wondering what the Choosing Ceremony is. Well, the Choosing Ceremony happens every year around August. Now it's July, so it's going happen soon, but my brother nor I, are going to do anything this year, we are stuck here for another 5 years. The Choosing Ceremony is a ceremony where all 18 years old chooses a faction they want to live in. When you have made a decision you can't change. So, let's say I was 18 and I choose Abnegation, I would go through something that is called initiation, there I would learn more about Abnegation - and being one - and I can't change faction after that. Then I have to live in Abnegation for the rest of my life.

Before you have the Choosing Ceremony, you will have to take a test. It's called Aptitude Test. The Aptitude Test will tell you what faction you should choose or where you belong, but that doesn't mean that you have to do what the Aptitude Test says, it's just there to help you.

"What are you doing here?" Someone asks me from away. I look up from my drawing and look at the person standing in front of me. I cover up my artwork as fast as I can, but not fast enough.

"Did you draw these?" He asks taking my art book from me, and I nod. Not sure why he supporting the idea of me drawing. Really?How do I know he is supporting my drawings, I need to stop jumping to conclusions!

"Please don't tell the leaders," I tell him and he looks up at me. That's when I notice his beautiful ocean blue eyes. You could get lost in them easily.

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