Chapter 2: It's Perfect!

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Tris's POV


When we come to the end of the stairs, he opens a door - the one and only - and walks in. I walk in after him and it's the most... amazing place I have ever seen. It's really big. The whole floor is square shaped. In the middle, there is a table with guns and knives and in front and behind the table there are targets to practise shooting or throwing knives. Then on the right side of the table there is a punching bag and on the left side is there a mat.

"What is this place?" I ask Tobias and he turns around to look at me.

"I want to become Dauntless, or I am planning on changing faction at my Choosing Ceremony and I thought I would learn some few things on my own, so when I do choose Dauntless, I already know some things." As he answers I start walking around the room. It's perfect.

"Do you know how to do these things?" I ask, gesturing to the knives and the guns.

"Yeah, want me to show you?" He asks and I nod. He walks over to the table and picks up three knives. He walks over to the target and I watch his stance and how he holds the knife. Then he throws it and it lands dead centre. 

"Do you want to try?" He asks and I nod. I walk over to him and he hands me one of the knives. He shows me how to hold the knife and the correct stance. I try to match him as much as I can and try to hit the target, but the knife hits the floor instead.

"Okay watch me." He says and I watch him.

"Inhale." He says and I watch him breathe in. "Exhale." He says and throws the knife and like the other knife, it hits the target.

"You try." I take the knife and checks if everything is right. This time I do what he said, inhale and exhale, then throw. This time it doesn't land on the floor, but on the target, not in the center though, but I would say it's good for a second throw.

"Should we move on to guns?" He asks and I nod again. He picks up the gun and walks over to the other target. He shoots and the bullet hits dead centre.

"Your turn." I walk over to him and he shows me the correct stance. He stands behind me and helps me position the gun right. Every time he touches me, electricity flows through me. I wonder what it means. I do what he says and the bullet hits almost centre, I try again and it hits. I smile and turn around to look at him and he has a smile on his face. "I did it." I smile.

"You did it." He says with a smile and a small laugh.

"Thanks," I tell him and he looks at me with a questioning look on his face.

"Thanks for what?" He asks.

"Everything, this place is awesome." He smiles.

"Your welcome. I kind of have to go, my dad is coming back." He says and I nod. I put the gun on the table and follow him upstairs. We close everything up and hope no one is going to find the place. We walk in silence until questions start flooding my mind. 

"When did you find the place, Tobias?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"A year ago. I knew I wanted out so I tried to find a place I could use and I did." He answers.

"How did you get the stuff?"

"I found it around." He says and I smile. We come to his house and it's on the opposite side to my house.

"It was nice to meet you Tris, Will I see you again?" He asks and I nod.

"I certainly hope so," I tell him and smile. "Goodbye, Tobias."

"Goodbye, Tris." He says and I turn to walk into my house.

When I enter my house I see my brother in the kitchen making food. It's his turn today. I walk into the kitchen and watch him.

"Do you need help?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"No, it's fine. Mom and dad should be home soon, but if you want, you could set the table up." He says and I do what he says.

We eat dinner in silence. After dinner, since Caleb made the food, I do the dishes. After I am done with the dishes I go upstairs and get ready for bed. When I have taken a 2-minute shower and brushed my teeth and put on some shorts and a t-shirt, I walk into my room to find my mother sitting on my bed.

"Hello, Beatrice." She says and I walk over to her and sit down on the bed next to her.

"Hello, mom," I say.

"So, what have you been doing today?" She asks and I smile. "Smiling are you?"

"I think I made a friend," I tell her and smile.

"A friend?" She asks smiling.

"Promise not to be mad?" I ask and she nods.

"You know Marcus's son?" I ask and she nods again.

"Well, I guess you could say we are friends," I tell her with a smile.

"A boyfriend?" She asks.

"Not a boyfriend, but a boy who is my friend mom. First, he saw my drawings and asked me to draw him and then he asked me if I wanted to say here, and I told him I think maybe I want to change to Dauntless and he showed me this place he found. It was amazing mom. They were punching bags there, knives, a mat, and guns. He is training for when he'll change factions to Dauntless." I tell her with a smile.

"It sounds like you really like him." She says with a smile.

"I don't know mom, he just makes me feel different, but I just met and I have to say I would love to meet him again," I tell her with a smile and she smiles too.

"Why don't you get some sleep, Beatrice?" She tells me and that's when I remember.

"He gave me a new name," I tell her and she turns around to look at me.

"A new name?" She asks and I nod.

"Tris," I tell her with a smile.

"I like that." She says and walks over to me and gives me a hug.

"I like that too," I tell her.

"Good night, get some sleep." She says and walks out.

"Good night," I say and watch the ceiling. That night I fall asleep thinking about Tobias.

A/N - I hope this was okay. I'm thinking of updating every day until my holidays are over then I'll start to update maybe once or twice a week. Hope you enjoyed this chapter pansycakes! 

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