Chapter 21

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The next morning, Konishi-senpai had already gathered the ingredients and tools needed. I told Megumi-chan to calm down as she's nervous about the shokugeki.

"Aren't you nervous, Soma-kun?" She asked and I looked at him too.

He's wearing his usual confidence smile and replied "compared to stand in front of the customer while carrying on your shop's name, this isn't scary at all." I knew it....

Bidding goodbye to them, I went to the VIP lounge of the hall and bumped into Erina-chan and Hisako-chan.

"Erina-chan? What are you doing here?" I questioned her as she flip her hair.

"Nothing much, I just come to spectate the shokugeki."

Hisako-chan bowed down to me, "Haru-sama." I waved my hand and told her to put away the prefix, but it's no use since I told her to for the last two years.

"Eh? But is it worth your time?" I asked again and she glanced at me. "I don't think you'll come to watch because of Mito-chan.... Are you coming for onii-chan then?" I snickered and earned myself a shriek from her.

"Hah?! Obviously it's not because of him! What are you talking about Haru?!" I hums and walk to the stairs with them. I suppose she came just to see onii-chan lose and get expelled.... I knew Erina-chan is frustrated about onii-chan because I received a phone call from Senzaemon-san who reported the whole situation to me. But sheesh, how bad did you tease her, brother mine?

When the MC called out onii-chan's name, which causes an uproar, the three of us enter the lounge. The crowd noticed us immediately and began to murmur about our presence. While Erina-chan is already used to it, I still feel uneasy about so many people looking at me. The battle start and I watched at Mito-chan's movement as she's butchering the A5 rank beef, the audience are astonished by her strength and even her skill when she removed the skin. After she put the meat into the oven, I put my attention on onii-chan who is cutting the vegetable.

He whistles when he took out the meat, which I bought at a mall, I was lucky back there for getting a discount on the beef. The crowd roared with anger and Mito-chan went back to her station, mocking onii-chan. Well, I do adore how she cooked the meat but I really dislike her attitude, which is looking down on people easily.

"What really is his plan?!" Erina-chan hissed and look at the meat with distaste. I lean against the couch and observe Mito-chan again, she took out her meat and test the temperature seductively.

Erina-chan explain to Hisako-chan about her ability while I look at Mito-chan who's beginning to cut the meat beautifully. She turned to onii-chan that's still cooking thus continued to blabber about his silence until onii-chan silenced her, "Besides, it's common knowledge that the skills of chef that talked too much in the kitchen can't be trusted you know?" Did Hisako-chan just shuddered when she noticed my smile?

The judges were judging at Mito-chan's dish, A5 Japanese beef roti don. I frowned a bit when I saw the amount although it's beautiful. I yawned at their judgment, it's always the same. When onii-chan brought out his dish, the judges were clearly looking down at him, onii-chan seems like he didn't mind but I have the urge to punch them in the face. But the looks they gave when he poured the sauce on the don...... Heh.

When they have their first bite, they couldn't stop eating the don. The three of them started to compliment about onii-chan's don. When he revealed the hidden secret behind the rice he announced, "l get this idea with the help of my sister! She also helped me with the 'wine' technique! Thanks Haru!!!!" he waved at me and I waved back, earning gasps from the audience and the look of distaste by Erina-chan.

Her face darken when I looked at her with confusion, "I still can't believe you have this kind of brother." I shrugged off her comment as the judges cast their vote.

Ah, guess we know who the winner is then.... Erina-chan turned her back and told Hisako-chan to vacate the kitchen she gave her.

"Isn't that too harsh on her?" I asked curiously but no answer was given.

I look at onii-chan who is standing proudly on the stage. He'll probably catch up with me faster this time..... Or maybe surpassing me...... Heh, I'm not going to let that happen.


Oh I absolutely enjoy writing this chapter!!! I'm truly sorry that I cut down some dialogues :'(

But still, I hope you enjoy it ;')

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